EK of massacre + return proj?

is EK of massacre + return proj able to shotgun all the returning projectiles?
Last bumped on Apr 16, 2024, 12:27:33 AM
Not sure, most things in the game don't shot gun anymore in my experience, unless there is a specific mechanic allowing it, like an aoe overlap.

The wiki for EK says "Multiple knives cannot hit the same target."

However, the wiki for return says "Returning projectiles can collide with a previously hit target (as long as the projectile did not return directly from that target). If a set of multiple simultaneously-created projectiles returns, only one projectile in that set can collide with the same target. Projectiles after the first will pass through without dealing damage.[1][2]"a

So my understanding is you will not be shotgunning, but, you can get the skill to hit a target multiple times with the return behavior. If the skill hits a returns it will only be one hit. But if it hits, moves somewhere else, because of another behavior and then returns, it will be able to hit the original target again.

I'm playing VG which returns and I think it works the same way. Like EK if I add multiple proj they all shoot out at the same time, so it does not shotgun. For VG the returned projectiles are caught caught and shoot off in sequence with WB, so that part acts like it is shotgunning. Its not actually shotgunning, the projectile are not being shot simultaneously, but very rapidly, so it is like a shotgun effect. I think if the projectiles are created at the same time, they are grouped, and can only hit once, even if they are returning at different times because of collisions. Other projectile behaviors, such as return may then allow the extra hits.
Last edited by Belegur85 on Apr 15, 2024, 11:37:37 AM
With nimis my dps is definitely more than an extra hit, but in POB its still like 20% less damage than ice spear gmp yet EK shows me doing twice as much dps, ive tested it on Uhtred, i got enough proj speed with EK setup to get them all to return. Maybe i calculated it wrong with ice spear, if i add all first form and 2nd form its 17m dps, but EK would be more around 25-30m. Maybe EK can't hit returning if its extra projectiles hit initially for no damage.
A bit out of my knowledge to answer, I haven't used nimis before, I don't know exactly how it works. GMP Ice spear can hit multiple times because it fires in rapid succession and not simultaneously, where as EK is firing simultaneously so you can't sum the projectile dmg as far as I know. If you link your POB I can take a look, but prob need someone who's a bit more experienced with proj to answer.

Something i'm reading from reddit regarding EK nimis


Does EK shotgun? Definitely down to try that and cold convert if that works.


Ek will not shotgun but it will leave the lingering blades it produces at your feet instead of spread out. This means you can then get reliable overlaps with blade blast. Mathil had a starter build built around this interaction, using returning projectiles to acheive the same effect.

Additionally, EK doesn't mind the random direction that much since it can't shotgun and fires lots of projectiles to begin with. This means that nimis is pretty reliably 2x damage.


I don't think it shotguns, the return is more for better clear.

And nimis is good with most spells as it basically doubles your damage.


It doesn't shotgun, but it reliably doubles the damage EK does due to its high base projectile count. Cold convert EK is pretty good, Mathil made a build of it last league (though it could probably use some changes).
Last edited by Belegur85 on Apr 16, 2024, 12:34:14 AM

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