[Xbox] 3.24.0 Hotfix 4+5

3.24.0 Hotfix 4+5

  • Fixed a bug where the Domination Scarab of Teachings applied to Lesser Shrines (such as those created by The Gull Unique Helmet), and could be affected by modifiers to Shrine Effect.
  • Fixed an instance crash.
  • Fixed a bug where some Unidentified Corrupted Jewels were displaying their Passive information on the Trade site.
  • Fixed some Incursion and Delve items, as well as items obtained from Divination Cards, that were incorrectly dropping or being rewarded Unidentified.
  • Fixed a bug where Unidentified Corrupted Jewels were displaying their Passive information on the Trade site.
  • Fixed missing descriptions from some Necropolis mods
Last bumped on Mar 31, 2024, 12:10:49 PM
Rare bug : infinite loading screens or some times over 1 minute instead of usual 3 to 5 seconds for no reason . I asked others but seems rarely anyone get this problem . I tried many many things and nothing helped.
There are still a decent amount of corpses that have string text and don't say what they actually do just a jumble of code. Just wanted to put this here so the issue becomes known and hopefully fixed soon, thank you!

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