Crash to desktop Device lost

ever since the league ended and I started sorting stuff in standard i occasionally crash to desktop with this error on screen:

I tried to replicate the issue and it seems to only happen when logging into a new char or going into a new town/changing instance.
I am on rather old hardware and currently using a VPN for technical reasons. I haven't yet had the time to go through drivers etc. but i will do if this persists after the leaguestart and update this post accordingly.

Hope everyone has a great leaguestart!
Cheers GGG for keeping our game great!
Last bumped on Mar 30, 2024, 10:04:35 AM
I got this same error a lot while using Vulkan the past few leagues. I could not find any consistency as it was more common town.. but I'd get the error while mapping as well. I switched to DirectX and stopped seeing it but at a cost of visual quality.

If you really want to use Vulkan, you may try full reinstall. I never got around to trying it and ended up having to upgrade my PC so I no longer get it with the new PC.
Getting this error also this league. Never seen it before. 3 times so far, always just standing in town at stash.


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