Muted for repeating what other said before me but I get fked

So i got 24hrs mute for repeating wat was said before me . while THEY did not get muted nor did i get an apology nor an acknoledgement of error done by mods

these mods are getting more and more ridiculous
makes me wonder if they are teens or something
i play this game out of habbit but mods are makin this "relax" time
annoying like i got LITTERALY MUTED for tellin someone to get a hug
GET A HUG = Mute .......... just think about that
Last edited by ThomasK_GGG on Mar 26, 2024, 9:01:29 PM
Last bumped on Mar 26, 2024, 9:02:06 PM
Thank you very much for posting your concerns, we really appreciate the feedback!

I have passed your message on to a senior staff member, who will be contacting you soon to discuss this issue privately.

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