Please Allow Us to Remove Forced Aura MTXs From Gear


Can we please, PLEASE either get an option to hid or remove forced mtx from gear or simple remove these entirely. They really ruin the MTX look that people are going for.

Here is an example that I have to live with because there is no option to hide it (orange rocks, spinning aura/ring), invisibility buff MTX does not work:

Apparently it's from a Helmet Affix.

So no matter how you change your MTX or how many invisible MTX you apply, this horrid aura will always be there....
For a game that has literally thousands of dollars of MTX, this kind of thing is really not good or acceptable.

Please remove these forced MTXs or give us the option to hid them.

Last edited by auroravii on Mar 25, 2024, 8:17:07 PM
Last bumped on Mar 25, 2024, 9:13:03 PM
Добавьте это в ублок, чтобы сайт выглядел по человечески.
It's ridiculous that it costs 50p. It should be like skin transfer that costs only 6p or even be free.
why should *any* cosmetic be free?

vanishing dye and invisible buff effect are some of the *BEST* mtx in the store, and on sale for 30-40 points? grab a couple and then you never have to deal with annoyances like this.
Doesn't work for what I'm talking about.
ah typical forum users. you tell them exactly what your issue is and they miss the entire point.

i too am guilty of this sometimes.

anyway i hope ggg allows us some way of manually toggling the effects.
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