Isn't armour a bit weak?

With 51k armour, 53% block chance, additional phys reduction from watcher's eye+fortity at 20 stacks, my physical max. hit is still 14.109, around a third of my elemental max hit with supress, resistances at 75% and flasks up (+fortify).
Most people, (the ones that want to be tanky) just dicht armour to get to 'damage taken as (some element)' builds. So much lightning coil, to most builds, is the best defensive armour piece you can get. People that don't get it, either want more damage or have specific mechanics on their build that make getting something else better.
Honestly my evasion builds at 90%+ evade chance (around 50k+wather eye too) +high block felt way more tanky than armour. And show better numbers on PoB too in the same level of investment (around 50% better), with the only difference of having a bit more block chance and wind dancer up.
Could armour get a bit of a buff? Maybe? To be more significant as a defensive layer agaisn't physical hits. Is pretty bad agaisn't bosses too, compared to other mechanics.
Last edited by fenixsemcinzas on Mar 19, 2024, 2:44:04 PM
Last bumped on Mar 19, 2024, 6:29:05 PM
You only felt tankier if you were playing sc. If you play evasion + block if you don't have like 95% phys taken as you're on a countdown timer to getting 1 shot by a harvest bear.

It may feel smoother if dying every once in a while is ok to you. You need several layers of mitigation against physical damage if you aren't converting a lot to ele.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
You only felt tankier if you were playing sc. If you play evasion + block if you don't have like 95% phys taken as you're on a countdown timer to getting 1 shot by a harvest bear.

It may feel smoother if dying every once in a while is ok to you. You need several layers of mitigation against physical damage if you aren't converting a lot to ele.

That still has to happen tough.
The few times I died where in juiced maps
I was just going to make a thread about this, but I guess this one will do: skill heatmaps

SC Affliction:

HC Affliction:

HC SSF Affliction:

Open these in a separate tab each and switch between them, it's a beautiful piece of data.

tl;dr The Marauder/Duelist area is a ghost town in SC, it's still way underrepresented in HC, and it just about breaks even in HC SSF.

My guess is that those are all RF Jugg builds.
suszterpatt wrote:

Pretty cool indeed!
Should make the post about it nonetheless
armour has nothing to do with "max hits", there's your problem right there. It is an EXCELLENT defense for literally any other physical hit you might take short of boss slams.

The damage conversions are EXCELLENT for large boss hits, as it makes your armour/resists/other defenses more effective for your character.
This league that was caused by kinetic bolt of fragmentation/int stacking and penance brand being op, Overall thats still mostly true though. Boneshatter jugg is pretty popular as well as slayer.

Honestly keeping an eye on what goratha is doing will determine the meta in hc trade for the common folk. look at glacial hammer juggs in 3.22 and the poison arrow pf stuff in 3.23.

If pf didnt exist in its current state you would see more people in hc on jugg/champ/slayer areas in hc

Deadeye has the same effect in sc as pf does in hc with "ascendancy diversity"
Last edited by Lonnie455Rich on Mar 19, 2024, 6:25:13 PM
With 51k armour, 53% block chance, additional phys reduction from watcher's eye+fortity at 20 stacks, my physical max. hit is still 14.109, around a third of my elemental max hit with supress, resistances at 75% and flasks up (+fortify).
Most people, (the ones that want to be tanky) just dicht armour to get to 'damage taken as (some element)' builds. So much lightning coil, to most builds, is the best defensive armour piece you can get. People that don't get it, either want more damage or have specific mechanics on their build that make getting something else better.
Honestly my evasion builds at 90%+ evade chance (around 50k+wather eye too) +high block felt way more tanky than armour. And show better numbers on PoB too in the same level of investment (around 50% better), with the only difference of having a bit more block chance and wind dancer up.
Could armour get a bit of a buff? Maybe? To be more significant as a defensive layer agaisn't physical hits. Is pretty bad agaisn't bosses too, compared to other mechanics.

You should look up the equation for physical damage taken vs armour. its not straightforward. You need defensive layering for phys damage, endurance charges + phys taken as + arctic armour + pdr on chest/shield + 50k minimum armour on top of that to be truly tanky against big hits like shaper slam and the elder ring/wreath thing.

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