How to correct Automation and Call to Arms without changing them

The main problem is cutting sockets for builds that depend on each one. Let's throw some fun ideas:

-Second weapon slot: How about we use the second weapon slot. How about we add a set of unique weapons or off-hands that work even in the second weapon slot. They have "Socketed skills are supported by Lvl 1 Automation / Call to arms" and may have some other build enabling effects. Also, let's make them lvl 70 requirements, and let's add some fun restrictions so they're not on every build like "-1 to all max res / -10~ to all res", "Reserves 10% max life", "suported skills use life instead of mana, +200% to their cost".

Maibe, we can add a new jewelry slot in the second weapon slot; let's call it "Hidden Amulet". This amulet has a socket, and "Socketed skills are supported by Lvl 1 Automation / Call to arms" and they work even in the second weapon slot.

-New implicit bases: Let's add some new bases for gear that have "Suported by Lvl 1 Automation / Call to arms" This can be build enabling if we put it on gloves, rings, or maibe off-hands. Even we can go crazy and make a unique belt with two sokets and this effect. And maybe we can roll this effect on some specific gear that can also work.

-The last one: Just give back the option to put skills on left click. It's the most simple, and one we are all happy.

I love the new skill gems, and I'm fine if nothing changes, to be honest, but these are some fun ideas I thought I would share.

Stay safe.
Last bumped on Mar 19, 2024, 1:34:47 AM
regarding using the weapon swap: not a chance. All that does is make a single item absolutely mandatory for every single player in the game to use. That should NEVER be okay.

Implicits with "supported by lvl 1 automation"....this is almost guaranteed to actually be happening, we just need to wait for patch notes. At least that's my opinion. Perhaps thats even how GGG is going to justify it later...
After having played Maji with no sockets in like 3 gear pieces at all,

first impressions

WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SOCKETS FOR THIS. I already can't fit a portal gem into my build.

think of the poor summoners who already don't have space to link convocation with anything because they jam it into a freaking unset ring.

But seriously every endgame character is basically

1 permanent aura setup usually 4 or 5 sockets
a blessing setup that is base 2-3 sockets
1 6link setup
1 automated guard skill
1 skill that enhances damage

Let alone if you use unique that have no sockets in them

basically a lot of builds will not have the room to setup another series of things to automate. Which is why they used leftclick to begin with.

Honestly they would have been better off shifting poe1 to the poe2 gem system and nailing that down before their beta.

Also can we make these gems white, so we don't have to worry about offcoloring, why make them strength or int.

Edit: if this was an additional gem that didn't mess with left click I could see some poison attack builds automating a few instant skills in a big link setup. I think they need to add a support gem that makes a skill instant for the player-base to really get behind this. It isn't like we haven't had ways to automate with uniques before, but their was no benefit for doing so. Adding a huge cost multiplier and messing with socket setups seems very heavy handed. Basically a -1 gem socket for any build that uses an instant skill, means your boots/gloves have to be 2-2 or 3-1, might mean losing a mapping or bossing blessing to actually have it. I am curious to see if it can automate divine blessing in case they forgot somehow. This is going to rough for 2handed weapon users I think. Bow users could have done this with manaforged arrows for like a year and yet they still use the left click. I can see one hand and shield users not feeling to bad about this.

And arguably making these work with melee totems would have been perhaps the largest QOL change for melee players everywhere. These gems have potential, but they miss the mark for me.
Last edited by roundishcap on Mar 19, 2024, 2:00:58 AM

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