Aus servers down? (xbox)

Yo, cannot login to Aus servers, keeps throwing me into california. I play on HC so....can't exactly run at 200 ping. Help! If i manually choose Aus it just refuses to login at all.
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2024, 5:31:28 PM
Yea same here. Booted me off a few hours ago and still can’t get back on.
Yeah they are down and the game auto allocates to California which is just horrible can't map, can't fight ubers, it's even so bad running a new character through the acts is just horrendous.

It's been reported here and on the discord but no word or acknowledgement from GGG.

You'd think an Aussie/NZ company would look after aus/NZ but nah it's more neglectful than the American companies...

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