RegEx Search for Set Prices in Stash Tab

i cant find any examples how i can search for like all Exact Prices <5 Chaos

/Edit: probably wrong forum sorry
Last edited by Mexy#2370 on Jan 14, 2024, 3:27:07 PM
Last bumped on Mar 3, 2025, 2:07:13 PM
I’m not sure if I understand your question, but wouldn’t “[1-5] chaos” do the trick of finding anything that’s listed for 1-5 chaos? Can’t really expect poe to do currency conversion of course.
MajexonXB wrote:
I’m not sure if I understand your question, but wouldn’t “[1-5] chaos” do the trick of finding anything that’s listed for 1-5 chaos? Can’t really expect poe to do currency conversion of course.

unfortunately its not that easy it will also show all items that have "1-5 Chaos anywhere in the price" for example 25 chaos or 155 chaos
Last edited by Mexy#2370 on Jan 20, 2024, 2:24:37 PM
I can't log in and check at the moment, but something like this might work:

"\s[1-5] chaos" with the quotes

If that doesn't work, instead of the \s (whitespace), possibly one of the following:

\b (word boundary)
\D (not a digit)
\W (not a word character)
a carat ^ (start of string or line depending on the regex engine)
\A (Beginning of string)

"\s[1-5] chaos" with the quotes

this one works thank you very much!
hi, I'm searching for ways to find price in stash tab, and here I am.
I've tried "\s[1-100] exalted" for exalted orb but failed, would anyone help me correct the right words to use here? Thank you!
you need to add brackets for each number

so 1-100 would be
"\s[0-9][0-9] exalted" (everything up to 99)
and 100 is [1][0][0]

if you do [0-1][0-9][0-9] instead this is not be working as it would be up to 199

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