Fun league: Swag But Homeless Gucci Hobo part I don't know

A while ago (Heist League) I entered a private league for some fun and memes, there was just one rule: UNIQUE ITEMS ONLY. I had so much fun that I decided to start my own. Affliction is great for item rarity, so let's hope we can make a lot of unique items drop and make great builds!

The general premise of this type of run is that you are only allowed 1 normal rarity piece of gear to put in gems and can only use uniques from that point forward, often forcing build changes to make whatever uniques you have work.

​This is nothing new, this concept is commonly referred to as "Gucci Hobo" with varying self-imposed rules. For this private league the following rules will be in effect:

Group found

Trading is allowed and encouraged

Only 1 non-unique allowed equipped at any given time this can be whatever you like at whatever rarity use this for a wand craft, movement speed boots, resistances, whatever I'm not an evil masochist. Bonus points if you don't use this feature of course :-)

No magic or Rare items will drop

Chat Channels will be /global 5993 and /trade 5993I created a discord at:

Jewels will be allowed under the argument that cluster jewels are a semi-integral part of the game now. As such non-unique base game jewels will also be allowed unless - the majority would prefer otherwise.

TL;DR non unique items allowed:
- 1 item of choice in your main setup, but extra credit if you don't need this
- Flasks
- Jewels
- Off-hand for leveling gems

This is just a fun little league that I decided to make to troll around, if it looks like this is something more people are interested we can open more slots.

If you can spend a few points, just add some player slots or extra days this is encouraged. But let's see where this goes from here.

League can be found here:
Last bumped on Jan 16, 2024, 7:34:47 AM

The league is filling up quite nicely and the chat is a lot of fun. Come and join us!

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