Keep connecting to laggy instances

I'm opening this thread to see if anyone else is having the same troubles as I and kindly ask, if GGG has any input on this.

Symptoms: whenever I load a new area, I have a chance to connect to one that has a very bad/oscillating ping. As if I was connected to an instance in a different continent (as one experiences when going to the HO of a player with a name clearly from a different region).
These problems only started this league. During leveling, it didn't matter, because I could just load a new instance and the problem would be fixed.
Later, I was not experiencing this problem when loading into maps but sometimes in the labyrinth and delve. Then it started happening on maps and it feels like it's getting worse, not better.

ping oscillates between 20/30ms up to 3000ms (sometimes even higher)

Technical info: Playing on European Steam client, ping is between 10ms and 25ms (usually 13/17ms)
I'm not using any VPN, I'm the only user in my network, I haven't changed anything on my setup from before Affliction league start and have never experienced behavior like that before.

I hope you can help because it's really frustrating to just have a map be unplayable when entering....thank god I'm on SC!
Last bumped on Jan 8, 2024, 7:49:24 AM
I've exactly the same issues. Every 5 locations i've few thousands latency.

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