Is there really a gate on SSF?

I made a test account for other reasons and noticed that, when creating a new character, I have HC and Ruthless as options but not SSF, which seems really odd. The choice is simply not on the screen.

I've been playing so long with this account that I always assumed someone could do SSF from the start if they wanted to.

Last bumped on Jan 3, 2024, 9:27:05 PM
You should have the SSF option there for all leagues. Could you post a screenshot of the league selection screen?

Eidt: I can't remember the exact criteria for SSF, but there is no way that you shouldn't be able to select it.

Edit: I missed the "test account" bit - perhaps it's after rescuing the Scion or somesuch.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Last edited by xjjanie on Jan 3, 2024, 7:03:01 PM
Select a character and then the SSF option should show, does not show by default if you have never played that mode before iirc.
Still play SSF on my main account :)
If I select a class and open the League screen again, I get the same options - no SSF.

And, yes, I have no character in the test account that has made it through even Act 3, so freeing the Scion could be the gate for SSF I suppose, but then why would the content community feel the need to say "don't start your first character in HC, Ruthless, or SSF"? (Or the folks who DO recommend starting in Ruthless or SSF as a way to learn the game with less complexity...)

I'm confused.
Last edited by GreyLensman on Jan 3, 2024, 8:56:48 PM
Wiki says it's after freeing the Scion. That's an odd gate imo since it's highly unlikely any new player (or veteran) to engage in trading before then anyways.
Thanks! I'm rolling on the floor here because I always check Wiki and didn't this time. Good to know!

And, yes, it's definitely odd. HC and R are both more challenging than SSF for a new player. Hard to believe they would only gate SSF.

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