I dont understand how im not supposed to get wrecked in sanctum 3/4 times

it makes no sense, these things target me from off screen. How do i avoid an enemy i cannot yet see to account for?
on floor 3 i start getting hit for 50-100 resolve in 1 hit. you joking me?
im not some no life 100k hr Ben_ where i need my challenge ramped up to 12 just to have to try
why does it have to be like this?
im fucking srs amd im careful and send out my little srs dudes and dodge when they aggro something. I kite, i sit behind walls, i avoid projected attacks during wind up.
i do all the things i should do
yet i still get offscreen hit and then stuck on some 1 pixel corner where my flame dash said nope, that 1 pixel isnt ok for me so i take 5 aoe hits for 75% of my resolve in 1 mistake?
is that supposed to be fun?
not just that but i usually get stuck with a minimum of 3 affliction on floor 1 and by floor 2 no matter how careful i am i get saddles with 2-3 more
i rarely have more than 3 boons by the very end of floor 4 if i make it there and dont get giga fucked by off screen bullshit

I hate this mechanic so goddamn much If it wasnt so fucking profitable i would just ignore it completely
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Last bumped on Jan 3, 2024, 7:16:57 AM
I know u're frustrated, but basically its all about speed imo.

I made a Sanctum runner last league, without any expecrience in Sanctum beforehand and after 2-3 runs I basically finished every Sanctum without getting hit more than 1-2 times. (it was shockwave totem btw, dunno how SRS works in Sanctum tbh)

U just need to have alot of DPS and movement speed and then never stop moving. Also know which rooms to skip, because some are just cancer.

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