Loot Voiding Bug in Legion 5-ways.

I'll keep it short.

I did a normal 5-way. Died when the time was about 1-2 seconds before it ends. Instantly clicked revive at checkpoint, reentered the area and then.

I came across nothing.

All enemies were gone, the timer ended, and there was no loot. Nothing whatsoever. It's as if I never ran the 5-way but also couldn't start it.

This just cost me my entire loot of it so please, please, if this can be reproduced and fixed, fix it soon.
Last bumped on Dec 30, 2023, 3:10:17 PM
Not a bug, this is by design. You have to be in the area whilst the boss deaths/loot animations plays. If you die, stay dead on the ground and wait until the loot has dropped. Many other endgame encounters are the same.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
You're telling me it's intended that you can potentially lose your loot?

Yep. There was an old exploit that took advantage of how loot used to drop. The exploit isnt in the game any more as far as im aware (it was related to shaper/elder ping pong) so I can only assume they have some reason to keep it the way it is.

Honestly I have always been curious for a dev response on these because this happens quite frequently. It usually only bites a person once because the fix is quite easy (stay dead) but ive always wondered why its still the way it is.

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