Certain characters in incoming whispers cause them not to be logged to client.txt

I've noticed occasionally an incoming trade request will not be logged to client.txt. These usually occur when there are certain characters in the user name, or in the guild tag.

One I've noticed frequently is Korean characters in the character name. But I've also noticed guild tags with unusual/odd unicode characters are also not logged.

Just recently I received an incoming trade request from a character with purely Korean characters in the character/player name, and it was not logged.

However, in client.txt, I do see the "<user> has joined the area" and "<user> has left the area" entries with the correct Korean characters.

Not a huge deal, but it does break functionality of trade helpers which monitor client.txt


Client Info:

* Windows 11
* English
* Latest build (3.23.0b)



I did want to note that I've noticed this behavior for a few leagues now, so I do not think it's a regression in a recent patch. If that helps developers isolate the issue.
Last edited by Anandara on Dec 16, 2023, 11:59:56 PM
Last bumped on Dec 16, 2023, 11:57:01 PM
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