[3.23] Giant balls models in Wildwood, relative to wisp collection [1430059816]

bug id: 1,430,059,816

Intermittently in the Wildwood giant rotating balls will appear on the character's head. These seem to be directly related to the type of wisps collected and their amount. Their spin is similar to that of charges. I'm guessing this model is normally hidden from the player, so when it bugs out, it becomes visible. These big balls block the view of ground mechanics as they swell larger with collecting wisps.

When leaving the Wildwood, the balls do explode into the shower of wisp particles and are no longer visible.

Perhaps this is related to MTX in use? The Quartz Shadowcrown does directly affect charge models while Frenzy charges are active.

MTX in use:

Note: Frustrated with the performance drop in zoning, rendering large amount of on-screen spell effects, and client input latencies, I recently changed from Vulkan to DX12. Here are those current settings at the time of observing this:

Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
Last edited by TwentyFiveEX on Dec 15, 2023, 2:09:00 PM
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2023, 2:06:53 PM
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