Explosive Concoction of Hellfire

Hello everyone.

I am currently working on my first build on the league - Elementalist Explosive Concoction.
The molotov cocktail is proving quite good on an elementalist so far - especially for a league starter. It's fun.

My suggestion is that the second transfigured Explosive Concoction gem should be creating Burning ground for a short duration where the skill's projectile touches the ground. Effects of multiple Burning grounds, as usual, should not stack but rather the stronger one should apply. The skill should have significantly increased Area of Effect. Additional effects to apply when charges are consumed from a Sulphur Flask. The Burning ground should be visibly different if charges have been consumed from a Sulphur Flask.

Something like this:

Explosive Concoction of Hellfire
(Attack, AoE, Fire, Duration, Projectile)

Throws a bottle that splashes at a targeted area, creating a Burning ground. Has increased area of effect but is unable to hit enemies. Enemies standing within are Scorched and Exposed to Fire if charges were consumed from a Sulphur Flask.
Effects of multiple Burning grounds do not stack. Requires an empty main hand, and no off-hand weapon.

(96~1003) to (145~1505) Added Fire Damage
Burning ground Deals (55~2300) Base attack fire damage per second
+6% to Critical Strike Chance
Base radius is 1.8 metres
Base duration is 3 seconds
Can consume Charges from Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz Flasks
Consumes 1 Charge from a Sulphur Flask, if possible
Modifiers to number of Projectiles do not apply to this skill
This skill cannot hit enemies
(0~40)% increased area of effect
Modifiers to Attack damage also applies to this skill's damage over time effect
Burning ground inflicts Fire exposure applying -10% to Fire resistance if Charges were consumed from a Sulphur Flask
Enemies standing on this skill's Burning ground are Scorched if Charges were consumed from a Sulphur Flask
+(60~98)% to Damage over Time Multiplier with Ignite if Charges were consumed from a Ruby Flask

Additional Effects per 1% Quality:
0.5% more Area of Effect.

~ ~ ~
Last edited by fostaa#0384 on Dec 31, 2024, 9:45:42 PM
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 9:39:54 AM
would be great, but ggg sadly doesnt care about this skill and doesnt want anyone to play it
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Last edited by auspexa#1404 on Jan 16, 2024, 8:57:14 AM
The name is cool and the choice for sulphur flask is spot on, but I don't know if the skill concept should be a bit more unique. Basically it's now a burning ground with extra steps and buffs, but the synergies are there in one package. It also competes with Alchemists Marks burning ground. Maybe if the skills main damage was from an hit + guaranteed ignite instead you would have a lot more ways to scale its effect and damage. I dunno I'm just throwing ideas here as I go. :D
Celd wrote:
The name is cool and the choice for sulphur flask is spot on, but I don't know if the skill concept should be a bit more unique. Basically it's now a burning ground with extra steps and buffs, but the synergies are there in one package. It also competes with Alchemists Marks burning ground. Maybe if the skills main damage was from an hit + guaranteed ignite instead you would have a lot more ways to scale its effect and damage. I dunno I'm just throwing ideas here as I go. :D

'Modifiers to Attack damage also applies to this skill's damage over time effect'.

Usually you will just stack up dot multi and global elemental/fire dmg. Because "Attack damage" (or Spell dmg) does not apply to ignites (or other ailments).
And here, it will apply to the burning ground's damage.
Last edited by fostaa#0384 on Mar 28, 2024, 8:56:06 AM
Bump, bump.

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