Ultimatum Trialmaster Fight - automated flasks not working?

I just got to trialmaster for the first time this league. I'm playing Pathfinder with automated flasks ("Reused at the end of this Flask's effect").

I started my flasks at the beginning of the fight but they didn't refresh at the end of their effect. My flasks were filling up fine (Pathfinder gain charges), and appeared to tick down to the end of their use, but didn't reset automatically. I had to manually trigger them again.

He was empowered by league mechanic so I fought him for a while, eventually my flasks fell off briefly and I died.


- I didn't click any 'flasks cannot gain charges' during ultimatum
- I had no issues with flasks staying up during rounds 1-9 of ultimatum
- I don't think it's a trialmaster ability because my flasks were gaining charges fine and ticked all the way down
Last bumped on Mar 4, 2025, 8:03:10 AM
update: I fought him again and the same thing happened (flasks did not automatically refresh at the end)

I noticed at the very beginning of the fight only one flask (this Ruby Flask below) was not active:

I have also had twice in Ultimatums (rounds 1-10, not Trialmaster) when a round ends and the next begins, this same flask (Ruby flask) was also not enabled and I had to manually restart it.
There was a bug a few leagues ago with incursion. When you tp into encounter auto flask mod turns off and didn't work until end of the encounter. Maybe there are similar situation
Last edited by eucalyptux#0794 on Dec 14, 2023, 4:12:28 AM
eucalyptux wrote:
There was a bug a few leagues ago with incursion. When you tp into encounter auto flask mod turns off and didn't work until end of the encounter. Maybe there are similar situation

Thanks! Yes, it sounds similar.

I did a third trialmaster and the same Ruby Flask thing happened (my 4 other flasks were ticking, but the Ruby was turned off), so that could be a different bug.
I am running the CWDT ward looper. The Trialmaster is borderline unkillable and I've died 4 times to this bug. I do not appreciate this.
Same here, died 5 times on my pathfinder and didnt know why. Managed to record the fight last time and noticed that I die the moment my flasks stop working.
Experienced the same bug in two Trialmaster fights with my pathfinder. Didn't know what was happening the first time round but the second time I could see my flasks filling during the fight but not "using" themselves automatically when full despite them all having the "Use when Charges reach full" enchantment.
I have died WAY too many times being a low life ivory tower energy blade inquisitor, this is ANNOYING AS HELL
Noob, but I try.
Bug still exists in 3.24, please fix.
Can confirm the bug still happens, tried it with "Used when charges reach full" and it still stops working as soon as I enter trial master area. Please Fix.

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