rename limits

Hi there, I want to rename some of my characters and I saw that the limit is 20 times. Does it reset back to 20 after a period of time? Or will I lose 1 usage permanently after each time using it? Can you clarify this for me pls. Thank you very much.
Last bumped on Feb 5, 2025, 5:07:47 PM
Hi there _Kosmas_,

Two uses of the rename service are granted each week, stacking up to a maximum of twenty uses. I hope that clears things up for you!
Replying here in case people think they regenerate over time as one may assume from the patch notes' "Two uses of this service are granted each week, stacking up to a maximum of twenty uses." They do NOT, at least for me.

I tried it out early on but it never went back up. Emailed support about it and the response was "There are a maximum of 20 uses, they do not increase I'm afraid."

I'm still hoping it's a mix-up somewhere along the line but it seems that we'll have to go back to messaging support to change names when we eventually burn through those 20 uses.
Yeah, seems like it doesn't regen over time. I spent 1 use a month ago and I am now still at 19 uses. Idk if it's ever back to 20. :'(
There is a maximum of 20 uses. 2 per week, which if you don't use they "stack up" until there are 20 uses. There is even a note on the page that tells you that it is a total of 20 uses. They do not "regen".
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
xjjanie wrote:
There is even a note on the page that tells you that it is a total of 20 uses.

The note says number of uses remaining, not a lifetime total of 20 uses which was never publicly stated. We only know this now by testing and confirming with support.

Our confusion came from the "two uses... are granted each week" and "stacking" aspects which apparently only applies to new accounts that start with 2 uses and accumulate more over time - but not us with older accounts which got all 20 upfront.

I hope GGG revises it; and if 2 per week is too liberal, even 2 per league will be great.
There is a bug right now with this where renames don't seem to stack up until you're almost out. The end result is that if you're on zero renames remaining, the following week you will have 2, but it's definitely not working how it was described or how we intended, so we'll get it fixed.
GGG Web Dev
This bug should be fixed now!
GGG Web Dev
Guy_GGG wrote:
This bug should be fixed now!

To clarify, you can stack 20, and say once have used up say 10, will it continue to "regen" back to 20 every week until its back to 20 again, this also applies to POE2?
I swear I saw a staff reply to this thread stating it doesnt work and I quoted the patch notes, now that reply is missing.

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