Perfect Forest Warrior doesn't provide onslaught

The new perfect forest warrior when risen by raise spectre gem doesn't provide onslaught sometimes when you instance change. Re-enter map etc.

EDIT: It always happens if you re-enter the same instance for second time
Last edited by LordLoras on Dec 10, 2023, 9:23:07 AM
Last bumped on Dec 30, 2023, 7:07:16 PM
Can confirm, exact same thing is happening to me.
Yep, same thing is happening to me too.
Can confirm, happens after instance change, so everytime i leave the forest, the onslaught buff is gone.
I can confirm this as well. Recorded video of the bug too. It is happening on a consistent basis
Bump because still not fixed or noticed from GGG.

You can simple go from your hideout to delve and back- when you return to hideout - you lose Onslaught aura.
Onslaught still missing even if you log out/back in to your now "bugged" hideout instance.
It's been so long and there is still no fix for it.

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