Crossplay - Crosstrade

I've been waiting for 2 years for crossplay or cross trade whatever. I play on the console because I don't have a good computer, but the market is dead, I practically have to do just one bhild and stay with it my whole life because there aren't enough players to supply the market so I can buy the necessary equipment. GGG simply seems like they don't care about console players, if you don't care just close the game on consoles.It is unacceptable, close to 2024, for a game of POE's magnitude with an extreme focus on trade not to have crossplay or crosstrade-progression, or whatever the name is to be used.
Last bumped on Dec 7, 2023, 5:19:00 AM
an extreme focus on trade

lol... poe extreme focus on grind, not trade, as devs mention any time. Сonsole players have ingame trade board, i can send few orders, go away and when return to game get my lots, on pc trade bloody painful.
Without denying the problem of a small user base, within ~100 hours of playing in a new league I manage to assemble any build I have in mind. For example, in this league I made cwdt. At first, the flask from Olrot was not on the trade, but when it appeared, it was priced at 20+ div with bad roll. At the same time, there were logbooks with Olrot on trade - 15 logbooks and i catch my flask. Poe needs crosplay/crostrade - it will make the game better, but to say that it is impossible to play now is a big exaggeration for me.
Last edited by talraashi#8263 on Dec 7, 2023, 9:53:03 AM

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