Console event. We actually DO want a SSF event as well…
Like, it’s just digital items that cost you nothing GGG. Why not have a SSF event for console as well. The drawing is already combined with all platforms. Just let us have a non trade SSF event as well it’s much more enjoyable than a trade/group event.
You already show total disdain and lack of attention to console. Our entire league has been busted and buggy mess. Not to mention long standing bugs for years with no fox ( can’t whisper/invite bug) I can see the HC/SC split. But ssf isn’t going to hurt anyone. Not to mention some console players could really learn how enabling trade is when they goto ssf. We have so many players that never set foot in ssf that could use this wake up Last bumped on Oct 28, 2023, 12:27:52 AM
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I don't see why they don't add it as an option. However I assume the main reason is so that the same people who always win these events don't just play on console to get an easy win if the rewards are separate. If it is shared competition between console and PC it is just not even worth running. Simply because console players are unable to compete with PC players, and it is as simple as that. Then there's the financial side of it. GGG can't just throw events up on console when ever they want. That requires a patch / update, which costs money and has a verification period. On top of that any sells they might make on the store is for a lower value because the console company takes a large cut. Just over all its not worth it, especially for a game mode 0.0001% of people on console are even going to play.
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They already launching events. So why not addd the ssf as well