Sound notification for invitations

Hello everyone.

Can we please discuss the fact that there's a sound notification for whispers, as well as a glimmer on the taskbar for PoE (usually orange for Windows users) but there isn't any for invitations?

We have all come across numerous trades where they invite us with a few seconds delay than we expected, meanwhile we switched the windows searching for the next item to buy. Or we invite the buyer but they won't see it because they switched theirs.

Can I please suggest that same sound and icon-glow notifications are inclusive for invitations the same as whispers are, with the option of changing them in the game settings?

Also, can we additionally include a notification on the screen for any recent, currently pending invitations? At the moment, any invitations would disappear completely from the screen if not attended in a timely manner, and the player wouldn't have a clue if they have been invited unless they specifically check in the 'Create Party' tab of the 'Social' section.
The behavior of this should also be amendable in the game settings according to the user's preference - including different sounds for each notification.
Last edited by fostaa#0384 on Jan 19, 2024, 11:43:38 PM
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 10:17:05 AM
if you mean a sound when someone invites you to a party, there is one.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Not if you are tabbed out. Would be a welcome QoL addition.
gladiatorpie wrote:
Not if you are tabbed out. Would be a welcome QoL addition.

A second monitor is your best friend hoho

Windowed full screen also works fine even while tabbed out.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
A blinking tab when you get an invite or message would suffice.
Don't think sound is needed.

Pashid wrote:

Windowed full screen also works fine even while tabbed out.

But my 2 FPS...
On a serious note. The game has issue on some rigs between full screen and windowed.
On my other rig I can't run windowed because it'll randomly just dump frames until I tab.

Also my alt monitor died but had to be wall mounted cuz my 35" takes up my desk =D
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Last edited by Xzorn#7046 on Dec 4, 2023, 2:02:29 AM
3.24: " Added a new trade notification sound, and increased the volume of the party invitation notification sound. "

Can someone tell if/how this changed?
I looked in settings but I could not find anything, nor the sounds changed automatically after the league started.

P.S. Do I really have to make a whole new post about this in order to receive an answer from GGG?
Last edited by fostaa#0384 on Apr 7, 2024, 6:45:11 AM
I was thinking the same for years.
This would be really helpful if you have "a sound notification for whispers, as well as a glimmer on the taskbar for PoE".

I recommend following options.
- checkbox to activate for all invites
- checkbox to activate for people who you send a trade request
- checkbox to activate for people who send a trade request to you
- checkbox to activate for people who are in your friend list
- checkbox to activate for people who are in your guild
- checkbox to activate for people who are part of previous mentioned
- button below each checkbox to select a custom sound
- button button to select a custom sound as default sound
- drop down below each checkbox to select a given alternate sound
- button to reset to default sounds
fostaa#0384 wrote:
3.24: " Added a new trade notification sound, and increased the volume of the party invitation notification sound. "

Can someone tell if/how this changed?
I looked in settings but I could not find anything, nor the sounds changed automatically after the league started.

P.S. Do I really have to make a whole new post about this in order to receive an answer from GGG?

aaand bump.
Last edited by fostaa#0384 on Dec 31, 2024, 10:17:57 AM

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