[3.22] CWDT but level 41 and no Olroth's Flask required
After leveling, check specific steps where I changed things. Change tree, items and skills to view the progress. Now possible to clear T16 but you can still die to lots of things https://pobb.in/DRoyHODgOnXz I went as far as to level 91 with this build, then swapped to standard CWDT due to dps lack. The finished build with all stages form level 41 to 91: https://pobb.in/vl0QzqB-KN0J So I wanted to make CWDT work on as low level as possible and level with that and removing as much not needed stuff as possible. Possible? YES at level 41. Fun? YES (...) Replacement of standard CWDT? NO - it is just a fun project, use with that in mind. POB: https://pobb.in/mfJvqLZBwUy8 Description: At low level, we are very limited to gear, skill points... Kind of everything, but there is always a way. Required items: Gear: Faithguard - we need to get high ward with help of energy shield increases Astramentis - Lots of stats, mainly intelligence for energy shield %increase converted to ward. Enchant with Circle of Life (Clear, Indigo, Violet) for additional recoup Timeclasp - 12% recoup both life and mana, can work with 6%, but more is comfortable. We need reduced skill effect at least 15 for comfortable scaling with to dust Heartbound loop - standard one with 350 damage taken Runic Gloves - We need faster restoration of ward and +ward. The lower item levels are better for crafting Runic Greaves - faster restoration of ward and +ward. The lower item levels are better for crafting To Dust - You need around 29% combined with timeclasp for slow loop. This you need to see in your pob depending on how fast your ward will be restoring. Ideally at least 1.7seconds ward restoration time. Totalling with all minion speed reduction so your skeleton last 0.6 seconds meaning you take 2x 700damage hits = 1400 damage between life and mana for successfull loop start (you dont die). You can scale this with getting the skeletons to last 0.5, 0.4 or 0.3 seconds. By that time you probably will switch to standard CWDT build Watcher's Eye with mana recoup while affected by clarity. Higher is better. Keep in mind we need at least 40% mana recoup totally with 20% provided from tree, and other is from timeclasp+watchers eye. I have 52% total with both items maxed. With 40% you will be not able to cast other spells, only with help of lifetap, but with more you will get space for mana cost of CWDT spells - this is up to you. Jewels with recoup - You need to have at least 60% Life recoup. From tree and amulet anoint you get nice 54% so any recoup from jewels or replacing small int nodes with 2% recoup tattoos - Tawhoa Shaman - is purely up to you Gems: Main loop is achieved with: Anomalous Summon Skeletons - Less duration (qual 20) - Anomalous Minion Speed (qual 20) - CWDT (any qual) - Lifetap (so the loop does not break) LOOP START: In swapped weapon socket normal summon skeletons. You can either swap back, or wait for skellys to expire and swap after you get enough recoup for skills in other weapons set. You can also use shield with high energy shield for more comfortable start if you wait for skeletons expiration. As a help you can use Iron flask that restores ward on use, so you can use it right after your ward breaks to get one more hit restored until enough recoup is in place If leveling in group, you can use Gluttony (form level 48) for no armour bonus. Taken damage from movement skills will be mitigated with recoup anyway. Other than that, main ingredients are like in standard CWDT and that is: Ward - we need this to be able to start our loop. At such low level we just cant get enough life easily (2k+) to start the loop. But we can get more than 700 ward with help of Faithguard: ![]() This will give us the option to scale ward with increased energy shield. We use Astramentis for lots of intelligence = scaling energy shield = scaling ward and Skin of the Loyal/Lord. The skin should have at least 3R and 2B sockets. We need to get Ward restoration time below 1.8seconds for successfull damage mitigation for loop start - that is achieved with Faithguard and crafted gloves/boots faster restoration of ward. We need at least 122.22% or 123% faster restoration time from all items together. All other items/skill are optional and up to you, but for scaling we use battlemage and spellblad and spells with high added effectiveness of damage. This is up to you. The main dps during leveling can come from battlemage and spellblade support, you can use lesser multiple projectiles, qual up your cwdt for inc damage, etc. Have fun and enjoy :) Last edited by tiwdaym#5349 on Apr 20, 2024, 11:20:42 AM Last bumped on Dec 3, 2023, 2:05:47 AM
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Do you have some videos or something? This looks interesting
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Could you provide a description of gear used to loop without Olroths? Your current new pobbins all have it enabled.
Edit: Never mind, found it in the old one Last edited by DrIvos#6578 on Dec 3, 2023, 2:08:33 AM
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