Disconnect bug


So i got disconnect in map while checking fracture bases dropped. AND for first time in my life got something good from fracture base drop - 1+ to all skin gems (2div worth). I picked it up and instantly got disconnect. Reconnected to game - all map portals is gone, my weapon with fracture base i picked up is gone too. + I used expensive scarabs and sextants.
So okay, after all that - WHAT is going on with disconnects and these item dissapearences (P.S had scepter with fracture in inventory before disconnect)?

Best of wishes.
Last bumped on Oct 10, 2023, 6:35:56 AM
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all cold skill +1 (not skin i typed, mistake).
same here finally some good maps and lost it two times because of server problems/discconects :( sad times
Last edited by mastag on Sep 4, 2023, 5:17:56 PM
1 addition following up. I can't open up maps now too after this. Done restart too... Says i can't open teleports in this area while being in my hideout.
i cant do anything, i keep getting dc's. iam done. iam off to bed.
Traded for 4 timeless emblems, activated in map device... disconnected... all portals and emblems gone. Very irritated.
like simliar thing as mentioned. Got good base drop + lost scarabs, some sextant charge
Traded for 4 timeless emblems, activated in map device... disconnected... all portals and emblems gone. Very irritated.
Someone posted a video of their instance crashing and their character getting rolled back... and losing a Mageblood that way. Ouch.
I still have this problem. All portals are gone after disconnecton. Any solution?

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