More and more blood accumulates in my maps without it disappearing

My maps keeps accumulating more blood. It never goes away, I tried restarting the game, switching servers etc, was also logged out for 30+ min but it keeps getting more, my game drop already to 50 FPS when I run through. Do not know what to do -.-

After 30 Polaric Invitation the Arena is full of Blood than

And than every seperate Boss room if full of it

Last bumped on Sep 1, 2023, 1:42:30 PM
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im getting the same thing happening to me. its worst in the town with other players i drop 10 to 15 fps! i was about to make a mega thread, im glad not alone.
Even on a Other Char after not Playing for Hours without the Challange League MTX, everything is full of Blood and fucks my FPS if i stand in it. Its everywhere.
me to

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