Sanctum blood splatters everywhere, heeeelllllp

Ever since I entered my first quest sanctum, the blood stain effect from the first floor has appeared in nearly every area, another layer seems to be added for each new sanctum I create

my friend starting getting the same bug after being in one of my instances, even without entering a sanctum

it persists even through restarting the game, or the entire pc

very cursed, very funny, but also very hard on my game's visibility, makes it almost impossible to keep track of the air strike indicators in the new sanctum rooms

Last bumped on Sep 1, 2023, 7:05:58 AM
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Addendum: when I kill enemies, it creates more stains
perhaps it has something to do with my build?
my uniques are:
doryani's fist
doryani's prototype
redblade banner
echoes of creation
voice of the storm
Addendum #2: the blood effect of kill is from the beastmaster chest
the boots cause a blood effect when hit (I did get the boots around the same time as I unlocked sanctum)

as for why the stains stick around? not sure
It also happens in areas where I can't kill things or be hit, such as hubs

I have the same Problem without ever Playing Sanctum.

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