Excessive gore in areas upon entering

Hi there, apologies if this has been reported before. It seems like in any combat area the gore will compound to the next combat area and only a restart of the game can resolve it. Over time, performance will drop heavily. Here is a screenshot of the most recent sanctum room I completed where after combat is over I'm only at 40 fps (would be 100+ after restart):

Last bumped on Aug 24, 2023, 10:43:11 AM
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Here's another one from town:

I'm having a similar issue! I couldn't tell if I was just imagining it, and it had always been this way, but the blood textures are going crazy for me?

When I hit a mob, the blood splatter is huge and often goes out of bounds? (There'll be floating blood splatters in gaps/chasms/voids)

Image for example, if you look at the bottom area you can see the glitch

It seems to be properly tanking my FPS too :(
I'm having a similar issue! I couldn't tell if I was just imagining it, and it had always been this way, but the blood textures are going crazy for me?

When I hit a mob, the blood splatter is huge and often goes out of bounds? (There'll be floating blood splatters in gaps/chasms/voids)

Exactly, same here!

One thing I noticed: this only occurs with Vulkan. Unfortunately, I seem to crash more often with dx11 and dx12.

I'm running a 2070 RTX SUPER for my GPU and this was definitely not like this in any previous league.

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