Midnight Shade Supporter pack items missing


like in the title stated, i bought the midnight shade supporter pack and cannot find the Stygian Waypoint and the Demonbound Crafting Bench ingame to apply.

Everything else from the pack is ingame and useable.

Maybe someone can point me towards the ingame section where i can apply both of these skins.

I just started playing yesteray and i cannot find both anywhere in the game or maybe i am just blind.

Please help me out.

Life is better in 8-Bit !
Last bumped on Aug 22, 2023, 7:06:56 PM
Hi Antidepressiva1, could you please check the "Hideout Item" category in your decorations stash and see if you're able to locate these items? Additionally, could you please try to use the search box at the bottom of the decoration stash window and see if this helps?
Hello Vinky,

i just checked the hideout edit options and the variations for the crafting bench and the waypoint and both have none of my paid options available.

8 crafting bench variations and 14 waypoint variations are there but not my paid ones .

Edit: I found thm through the search option in the hideout stash.
Thank you very much for the fast help, much appreciated.
Life is better in 8-Bit !
Last edited by Antidepressiva1 on Aug 22, 2023, 7:14:03 PM

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