Maven Memory Game No Visuals

In the final phase of a maven fight I had zero visual indicators (green sectors) for where the memory game required me to go. I swapped between all three rendering engines (DX11, Vulcan, DX12) and none of them changed the behavior.

Bug Ref Number 1931,462,105. Reported after final death.

I have also had issues with numerous boss visuals including shaper slams and sirus maze.

A video of the sirus maze can be found here
Last bumped on Sep 21, 2023, 9:24:17 AM
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I've been having the same thing as well the entire league and just lost maven to it. Couldn't see any indicator whatsoever during the memory game and also couldn't see any of the mobs she spawns during intermission.

This same thing happens when i do any invitations as well. Tons of visuals dont spawn for me in the maven room.
I have had similar issues this league. Maven and Uber Elder indicators were not showing at times. Would have Maven fights where the brain line would not show, the memory game would not show, a complete lack of graphics during certain parts of the fights. Sometimes just moving around in the arena during certain phases caused the indicators to randomly show or dying and zoning back in would sometimes bring the graphics back.

First league where I've had continual graphical issues. Not sure if it has something to do with the performance patch before 3.22.
Just spent 5 days on SSF getting all splinters to and finally get to fight the Maven, every memory phase was invisible lost to this what a complete joke and waste of 5 days.

Game has become more and more of a mess.

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