SST (spectral shield throw) raider, nebulis elem conversion. 100-200m, all uber (std)

Variant of sst crucible emperor's vigilance with nebulis and node for sst as light.

The helm is easy to craft double essence with recombinator and hypothermia

grand spectrum minimum endu and power charge + elem damage, avatar of the chase for the forbidden

impossible escape: imbalanced guard +3 max res
melding of the flesh
90% max res
Max block
100 Supress spell
90% phys reduc
6 frenzy, 3minimum endu and power
100 crit, 1400 crit multi
low life petrified blood

Proud of my build! inspired by spark aurastacker

Expansive part is the shield, the rest is not so expansive
All uber uber destroyed and better than cold conversion

Edit: cold to fire instead of faster attack, magebane, no evasion and chaos flask for 75% -> 45m pob, 50m with enhance lvl 5

edit 2:, anomalous ancestral protector, rage, return proj instead of cold of fire
Last edited by Razlofou#5030 on Aug 29, 2023, 10:01:24 AM
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2023, 8:52:39 AM

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