"Blood Rain" decoration suddenly taking the appearance of "Rain Decoration"

I purchased several "blood rain" decorations and placed it in my hideout several months ago. I have not logged in for a month, but upon logging on, I've noticed my "blood rain" (which you can see circled in red in the image below) now takes the appearance of the standard "Rain Decoration". Apologies if it's hard to see, but I'm 100% certain the decoration's appearance has been changed:


Even the blood rain icon seems to be the normal rain decoration icon now:


Which can be compared here: https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/category/hideout?search=rain
Last edited by KAWAIICUTIE on Jul 30, 2023, 3:11:56 AM
Last bumped on Oct 15, 2023, 9:35:15 PM
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Try change to another hideout (the game would save your setting in your previous hideout) and place the blood rain and capture a "cleaner" screenshot
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I can take a video if you really want it, but it really is literally just the "rain decoration" effect.

Even the blood rain icon seems to be the normal rain decoration icon now:


Which can be compared here: https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/category/hideout?search=rain
Last edited by KAWAIICUTIE on Jul 30, 2023, 3:11:50 AM
have the same issue. my bloodrain is now regular rain, including both the rain drops as well as the splash VFX on the ground.

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