Glitchy texture

After getting to the end of "The Canals" half of the floor was replaced by glitching half-transparent red texture (couldn't F8 it, on screenshot it was loaded normally). This screenshot was done close to the wall and is slightly different (not transparent) but i could F8 it normally.

2 013 466 818

Xeon E5-4650, RX570 4GB, 4x4GB DD3 1333
DX12, Triple Buffering Enabled, VSync Adaptive, Multithreading Enabled
Last bumped on Jul 30, 2023, 12:30:17 PM
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Update: can replicate it every time, always happens in Act 10 "The Canals" and always at the later part of the zone.
Here are a few examples:
Last edited by N0sty on Jul 30, 2023, 10:33:12 AM
This is clearly an issue between the game engine and AMD's drivers. The game is unplayable for me as well on my both PC's AND my laptop. They're 6700xt, 5700xt and 560x(mobile) GPUs.

PoE always had problems with AMD drivers, especially in Rogue's Harbor, but they've escalated to unplayable tier.

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