GGG you have nothing to worry about with D4

My god DIABLO 4 is crap
its DIABLO 3 reskin with a posh shop
Last bumped on Jul 8, 2023, 4:14:03 PM
well its not rly true that d4 is dogshit. its good skeleton to build on it . in like 1 or 2 years it will be good game. that if blizzard will not fk it all up in nex few months. but knowing how much money diablo immoral made bricks a smarted then some diablo fans. no matter how bad they shit a bed they still make tons of $$$$
The timing on ExileCon 2 is truly fortuitous. A couple of months after Diablows Mour releases, right when a lot of people are getting fed up with the game's issues and discovering the anemic endgame, here's Grinding Gear with their Path of Exile 2 rebuild offering a markedly different gameplay experience to people who didn't get what they wanted from Diablows. Diablo dropping revitalizes the genre in general because it's the Big Name; Diablows Mour being kinda not that great gives games like Path, Lost Ark, and others a chance to win big on the ARPG resurgence if they can capture some of that audience back for Diablo.

Now obviously Diablo is Diablo, it's always going to have significant market share because it's the Genre Maker and a lot of people still hold Blizzard up as a titan of gaming that cannot miss. But there's gonna be more folks experimenting with different games after Diablows Mour proves itself to be average at best, and Path of Exile having a big shiny revamp in the pipeline is excellent timing. Provided it's actually IN THE PIPELINE and we don't get "Path of Exile 2 Closed Beta launch date is...September of 2027!" at ExileCon 2. If PoE2 doesn't start beta within six months of ExileCon 2 tops, Grinding Gear's going to lose most all of its share of the Diablows Mour resurgence and have to do its own scut work again. Can't draft off a release that's approaching a year old, all the wind it's going to generate has already blown.

Personally, I'm hoping that ExileCon has the surprise announcement "Closed Beta for Path of Exile 2! We'll be opening up the servers and beginning the closed beta process as soon as ExileCon is done, with invitations going out to players to preload the game as we speak - and of course every ExileCon attendee will get a free invitation key they can redeem to get in on the action when they get home!" I know better, not a chance Grinding Gear doesn't give people a month or two's warning at the minimum to clear their work schedules and stuff, but man it'd be awesome for them to accelerate the timetable on path 2 after whipping everybody into a frenzy over it.
Two companies with about the same money to drop.

One company apparently having 20 years of experience and showing about 2.
hoho fomo
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shouldnt this be moved to off topic?
D4 isn't dogshit, but these are the same people that continually devolved D3 into a completely casual 3 days per season, maybe 2 or 3 seasons over 4 or 5 years affair.

I think its perfectly reasonable to expect blizzard to pander to casuals, and make D4 WORSE than it currently is (shallower). Make the already laughable loot more simple and more easy to obtain... and its already looking and feeling a lot like a "6 or 7 days on a new season..." kinda deal IMO. Unless they really add content.

Honestly the only reasons its more days than D3 seasons right now is that it doesn't have "this set bonus is what you wear for that class" (yet)

Don't get me wrong I'm playing it a little, the combats fun and well done. I don't have the same issues that the clear speed hyper focused people do, I like a game to have pace and variety and not just devolve into "mowing lawns of monsters" like the cookie clicker crowd prefers.

I think POE2 needs to have at least as good combat on launch. D4 combat as we all know is worlds more engaging than POE's 1 button. Regardless of what you prefer.

The only real intriguing question is: how does GGG handle all the cookie clicker meta ppl not wanting better combat? I'm honestly rivited by this question... can't wait to find out in July. My best two guesses are:

Fork POE1 into "zoom mode" with drop rates and old balance, and powercreep encouraged POE2 becomes normal mode.

OR maybe a gameplay Passive tree where people mix and match what they prefer... we do love our passive trees am i right boys?

Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
I'll grab it for 20-30 bucks with dlcs, sure.
Second-class poe gamer
pr13st wrote:
I'll grab it for 20-30 bucks with dlcs, sure.

That is what I should have done.

D4 is the worst buyer's remorse of my life, but I thought "hey it is not crashing every 5 mins so it should be fine".
I also feel like D4 is like a Diablo 3 part 2.

But i don't mind having bought it. Haven't played it in 2 or 3 days and don't intend to. In case anybody is wondering. But i still love watching ryukahr play it. He always encases himself in his ice-ult now, which is pretty cool xD.

Asmon's whirlwind barb is abysmally boring to look at tho. Best i was able to do was listen to his voice in the background while playing smite.

Asmon watching quin & co. was pretty hillarious, but i feel genuinely sorry for that guy. Other than that i think even endgame video content for D4 is kinda boring. About as fun as watching "rat runs" for d3. Let alone play them. Ugh.

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