Hi guys, this is my best poison build i've ever done. I invested a lot of time and currency in it and i'm pretty proud of.
I foucsed much more on defense based substantially on Progenesis and on life on hit.
This flask, with 115% flask effect, in combo with a lot of life gained on hit from each ball of molten strike, give me an extremly high survivability.
Also to mitigate phys damage i've like 60% of phys taken as elemental damage (cuz i've only 21% phys damage reduction); 100% suppress spell and 51% chance to evade attacks.
As you can see in video, "the tankiness is real"; also damage is enough to delete everything.
For DPS is mandatory the annoit Vengenance Cascade, it basically double the dps.
I don't know what to say anymore.. Enjoy ^_^
My builds

All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178 Last edited by Hitma47#7532 on Jun 16, 2023, 6:22:11 PM Last bumped on Sep 20, 2023, 5:00:46 AM
Posted byHitma47#7532on Jun 13, 2023, 12:49:08 PM
Incredible build
I wonder why you didn't go for essence's phys to fire damage taken conversion mod on chest and purity of element to free you some space on prefixes that are used for ailment avoidance and allowing you to use some watcher's eye mod phys to ele damage taken ? i'm pretty sure you can reach full conversion with this setup. Mana reservation should be adressed though, but you have some room to improve on that point.
Full conversion means bleed immune, then you just have to find a good jewel with the cannot be inflicted by corrupted blood to free you a suffix on your life flask for the juicy additionnal life recovery while not on full life.
In the idea to take full advantage of damage shifting + less damage taken from flasks why don't use dying sun for both defensive and offensive purposes in addition to taste of hate ? Would it be sustainable ?
Is enfeeble that a big of a deal without any investment in curse effect in comparison to a full damage shifting ?
Why did you choose this expensive option of dual whielding instead of a much more defensive and budget friendly option of one claw + shield combo ?
which FF/FF would you consider to upgrade the build ? suppress + phasing from raider ? additionnal proj from ranger ? anything else ?
PS: How did you manage to get 2 fractured mod on your ring with a T1 flat mana and a flat reduce mana cost of non channeling skills ?
Last edited by Pulco6tron#1341 on Jun 18, 2023, 4:05:41 PM
Posted byPulco6tron#1341on Jun 18, 2023, 3:50:21 PM
Pulco6tron wrote:
Indeed. It's fine tuned permanent close call build.
In the idea to take full advantage of damage shifting + less damage taken from flasks why don't use dying sun for both defensive and offensive purposes in addition to taste of hate ? Would it be sustainable ?
Which flask would you replace to dying sun ?
Is enfeeble that a big of a deal without any investment in curse effect in comparison to a full damage shifting ?
There is quite a difference between high sustainability and high damage mitigation. I guess you can figure if you've tried righteous fire build.
Why did you choose this expensive option of dual wielding instead of a much more defensive and budget friendly option of one claw + shield combo ?
This is an interesting question. It could be extremely tedious process and also league specific feature but we have "%increased attack speed / %less global damage" crucible node. (maybe not that crucial since DW gives 10% more attack speed and with Onslaught on Hit on the ring.)
PS: How did you manage to get 2 fractured mod on your ring with a T1 flat mana and a flat reduce mana cost of non channeling skills ?
It's an Incursion prefix (max mana + flat skill cost reduction).
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3
Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】https://bit.ly/2wXiUSj
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】https://bit.ly/3I22mru
Posted byfinisterre#5659on Jun 20, 2023, 10:45:17 AM
Guys thanks for the comments. <3
I'll try to respond to all:
- Avoid elements from purity of elements is good, but i preferd grace because with it half of attacks dosn't hit me and that fit perfect with combo progenesis+life on hit. Is not shown in video but i cant tank the slam of Uber shaper that is a lot of phys ammount.
- Shield is not wroth for this build, dual wield is better: flask effect on crucible, min frenzy/endurance (offense defense) and more dps; and consider the ammount of life on hit from the claw. For this build shield is useless.
- I enfeeble gave me like 15k ehp more on PoB if i remember good. Also not buffing to much curse effect was a good investment to do.
- I don't use dying sun because i don't have enough flask charges gained/duration to get it permanently. With this setup at the moment, all my flaskes are permaup sitting in hideout. But yes if you manage more more flask gained and duration, dying sun is huge boost. It give me +4 proj, BUT the increased AoE is a malus, balls will spread more losing a bit of overlap in single target.
- I didn't used any FF/FF not for budget but because i didn't have jewel slot :D.
Choice would be tailwind/+2 proj/40%suppress and phasing. I'd prefer the 40% suppress and phasing so i could add Phase Acrobatics to the build. The DPS is enough, i prefer to no die haha.
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Posted byHitma47#7532on Jun 20, 2023, 4:00:28 PM
could you explain how you crafted those claws?
Posted byJustinfrankina#4828on Jun 21, 2023, 10:10:32 PM
Justinfrankina wrote:
could you explain how you crafted those claws?
- i did crucible tree first, after i got first 2 level, i started to use imprints for third and fourth mod.
- then for imperial claw, alteration spam until get t1 dot multi and fracturing it, zeal essence spam until got at least tier 2 poison mod; then suffix cannot be changed and veield chaos until get chaos damage (very rare) and then suffix cannot be change augument chaos with harvest. This last part is a lot expansive.
- for gemini claw i decide to try to fracture chaos damage, then i spammed few essence and i got lucky getting dot multi and poison mod togheter. So i only augmented chaos for flat.
Really expansive craft i also have 2 more bases that i was working on but failed :D
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Posted byHitma47#7532on Jun 22, 2023, 6:56:44 AM
is this viable in 3.22?
Posted bygasparoto1#1180on Sep 17, 2023, 4:54:18 PM
gasparoto1 wrote:
i did it again but a bit different.. idk if i will make a thread again
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Posted byHitma47#7532on Sep 18, 2023, 7:58:39 AM
Hitma47 wrote:
gasparoto1 wrote:
i did it again but a bit different.. idk if i will make a thread again
Any chance you can share your current PoB? i dont really need a detailed guide
Last edited by gasparoto1#1180 on Sep 19, 2023, 5:17:09 PM
Posted bygasparoto1#1180on Sep 19, 2023, 5:16:59 PM
gasparoto1 wrote:
Hitma47 wrote:
gasparoto1 wrote:
i did it again but a bit different.. idk if i will make a thread again
Any chance you can share your current PoB? i dont really need a detailed guide
sorry man i dismantled the build, finshed challange and league over for me
All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
Posted byHitma47#7532on Sep 20, 2023, 5:00:46 AM