Bestiary Feedback (Calling All Beast Farmers Please Read) - Yellow/Red Beast Inventory Improvement

I am so grateful for this option to now just cancel out red beasts. However, we need a better itemized capture system, perhaps in the bestiary window for each beast, put a "Capture" button under the portrait, as long as someone has bestiary orbs in their inventory, the beast will just capture and be placed in an available slot in the inventory, this would greatly reduce all of the clicking for itemizing beasts for trade. Right under the beasts name could be a button

Thank you!

Edit 9/7/24 another Exiles suggestion

sleepy_sammet wrote:
i had a suggestion some time ago to make a recipe for an epic fight of random 100 red beasts, to clear away worthless red beats :)


Buying Tattoos (Settlers) #3654153 ★ How To Itemize Beasts? #3559583 Unlock Sandwraith Map Device Kill Tracker #3461595 ★ Deli Music Off #3450767
Bestiary UI/Trading #3380585 ★ Upgrade Tabs to Quads Option #3452458
VISAGE GUILD RECRUITMENT - #3694978 ★ Forum Threads ★
Last edited by KingExodusGG#1474 on Sep 7, 2024, 11:32:43 AM
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 6:38:24 AM
__________________________________SUGGESTION 2__________________________

Please change the vendor price for boxed beasts to 1 chaos orb instead of an alchemy orb (Atleast this way, we get a return on our investment, the same we paid into. See the hellish screenshot below

Prior to the RED X being added, as most of us beast farmers either ignored, or captured and tossed away the useless red beasts, I started vendoring them which resulted in ALOT, ALOT, of Alchemy orbs which we know, has no vendor recipe to exchange and let's face reality, there's no market for them. So now, I am stuck with the following

Now, I already did this before and was 5k capped in my currency tab and ended up using a guild tab for more storage. If we do some small math here, I have a huge problem, I've even tried selling these red beasts 60x of them for 10c, no one wants them. This should really be fixed/changed. IMO.

Thanks for your time!

Buying Tattoos (Settlers) #3654153 ★ How To Itemize Beasts? #3559583 Unlock Sandwraith Map Device Kill Tracker #3461595 ★ Deli Music Off #3450767
Bestiary UI/Trading #3380585 ★ Upgrade Tabs to Quads Option #3452458
VISAGE GUILD RECRUITMENT - #3694978 ★ Forum Threads ★
Last edited by KingExodusGG#1474 on Nov 24, 2023, 5:45:06 AM
Idk I feel like the entire design of bestiary is still dogshit

- Einhar too slow to capture beasts & red beasts with AN mods continue to deal damage after they're dead. And if its an essence beast, it won't drop the essences until they're captured.
- No simple way to see the type the beast just captured
- No way to release multiple beasts at once
- Itemizing beasts is clunky because of the UI design (inventory and bestiary panel on 2 ends of the screen, so have to go back and forth between them all the time)
- still don't understand why there is a cap of 1000 beasts. It's very low since with the atlas passive tree you can very easily get 30+ beasts in a map. Double that if using the sextant & natural duplications.

I'm farming beasts because it's sooo much profit this league, but oh man it's such an old and outdated design.
im okay with bestiery in its play state, I feel it just needs more QOL, like as long as you have a capture orn in your inventory, you should be able to right click yellow or red beasts from the page to cap and insert into inventory, it saves alot of time
Buying Tattoos (Settlers) #3654153 ★ How To Itemize Beasts? #3559583 Unlock Sandwraith Map Device Kill Tracker #3461595 ★ Deli Music Off #3450767
Bestiary UI/Trading #3380585 ★ Upgrade Tabs to Quads Option #3452458
VISAGE GUILD RECRUITMENT - #3694978 ★ Forum Threads ★
Last edited by KingExodusGG#1474 on Apr 16, 2024, 10:24:54 AM
Bump, I couldnt add a box around "capture" but the concept is if we have a 1c einhar bestiery orb in our inventory we can just cap from the window, this would be HUGE QOL and save clicking the orb, then dragging to the window and dragging the captured beast to the inventory.
Buying Tattoos (Settlers) #3654153 ★ How To Itemize Beasts? #3559583 Unlock Sandwraith Map Device Kill Tracker #3461595 ★ Deli Music Off #3450767
Bestiary UI/Trading #3380585 ★ Upgrade Tabs to Quads Option #3452458
VISAGE GUILD RECRUITMENT - #3694978 ★ Forum Threads ★
Buying Tattoos (Settlers) #3654153 ★ How To Itemize Beasts? #3559583 Unlock Sandwraith Map Device Kill Tracker #3461595 ★ Deli Music Off #3450767
Bestiary UI/Trading #3380585 ★ Upgrade Tabs to Quads Option #3452458
VISAGE GUILD RECRUITMENT - #3694978 ★ Forum Threads ★
Buying Tattoos (Settlers) #3654153 ★ How To Itemize Beasts? #3559583 Unlock Sandwraith Map Device Kill Tracker #3461595 ★ Deli Music Off #3450767
Bestiary UI/Trading #3380585 ★ Upgrade Tabs to Quads Option #3452458
VISAGE GUILD RECRUITMENT - #3694978 ★ Forum Threads ★
Buying Tattoos (Settlers) #3654153 ★ How To Itemize Beasts? #3559583 Unlock Sandwraith Map Device Kill Tracker #3461595 ★ Deli Music Off #3450767
Bestiary UI/Trading #3380585 ★ Upgrade Tabs to Quads Option #3452458
VISAGE GUILD RECRUITMENT - #3694978 ★ Forum Threads ★
stalkingjackal wrote:
Idk I feel like the entire design of bestiary is still dogshit

- Einhar too slow to capture beasts & red beasts with AN mods continue to deal damage after they're dead. And if its an essence beast, it won't drop the essences until they're captured.
- No simple way to see the type the beast just captured
- No way to release multiple beasts at once
- Itemizing beasts is clunky because of the UI design (inventory and bestiary panel on 2 ends of the screen, so have to go back and forth between them all the time)
- still don't understand why there is a cap of 1000 beasts. It's very low since with the atlas passive tree you can very easily get 30+ beasts in a map. Double that if using the sextant & natural duplications.

I'm farming beasts because it's sooo much profit this league, but oh man it's such an old and outdated design.

I agree with this, maybe making a mass slaughter option where beasts keep coming in after red gets killed would be a solution? Like who uses 1 fuse crafting option? if you could have an option of chaining currency crafts it might be worth it.
Buying Tattoos (Settlers) #3654153 ★ How To Itemize Beasts? #3559583 Unlock Sandwraith Map Device Kill Tracker #3461595 ★ Deli Music Off #3450767
Bestiary UI/Trading #3380585 ★ Upgrade Tabs to Quads Option #3452458
VISAGE GUILD RECRUITMENT - #3694978 ★ Forum Threads ★

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