Impenetrable Movie Brief/Synopsis to Penelope Cruz

Movie title can be changed

Suggestions include:
Max Impenetrable
Strategic Placement
True Calling

The movie is about the actor (Douglas Yoo) who goes through many situations where he is subject to an intensity
Examples include
Dealing with people
Explosions/being in buildings
There could be a boat scene
Skydiving out of planes
Driving cars
Using technology including safe< guns and weaponry

About Douglas Yoo

I played many sports while I grew up including
Soccer, Baseball, Swimming, Rugby, Cricket, Basketball, Basic Martial arts

I played two instuments
Violin and Drums

I studied outside of school in tutoring programs for english and maths

Movies that could be similar to Impenetrable which is/can be action/comedy

Die Hard
Jackie Chan movies
Including Mission Impossible

Christhanta/Child said don't make it seedy and ballistic make it fun and actiony/adventurous

Thank you very much Penelope and I look forward to seeing the cast and the making of this movie.
Last bumped on Apr 24, 2023, 5:02:47 AM
Movie Impenetrable (Directing)

Blink 182 will do music, recording and sounds

Storyline (Why does the actor Douglas go through all these situations)

Douglas goes on a holiday to realise he must do something or save someone which ends up with extreme action scenes
There is an event that happens which puts Douglas in extreme situations where Douglas must complete in order to survive
Douglas is put on the scene where these extreme events occur and he must survive at all odds
There could possibly be an alien species but probably do not include this option

Using his elite physical prowess and the ability to avoid damage he manages to survive until the end (possibly in complacency) and returns
home/to his natural state possibly as some what of a hero

The use of clean humor is great
The scenes where Douglas has to do extreme action in order to survive could relate to every day problems of the 20th century/2023 done
through (mis)representation

How to build the movie (this may take some time)

Create the maze of places in order for the Actor to go through
Put in the story line
Detail the interactions of each scene
Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
Impenetrable Penelope Cruise
Quotes for Douglas Yoo (The actor)

"This has the heat of a thousand suns"

"Mathematics is wrong"

"It just dosen't make sense"

"That was pretty cheesy"

"I was just playing the fool in this delicate situation"

"We just have to live like this possibly for years"

"English is like an ever evolving organism that thrives on homosexuality"

"There are things i'd like to do in life, like have kids and grow old"

"See, i'm fine"
Batman Anne Hathaway
Quotes for Batman (Douglas Yoo)

Batman: "It's always darkest before the dawn"

Batman: "Why does a police officer exist?/What role does a police officer play in society/humanity? To put away criminals"

Batman: "How many geniuses does it take to make a light bulb work? Lights out"

Batman: "How do you know? A psychic connection"

Batman: "You just hired the worlds most expensive man"

Batman: "To critisize and judge, how did we end up here"

Batman: "Arkham, the city of evil"

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