Can't exit out of the map!

I don't have anything on the map to click so that I can exit to find a portal. If I didn't have any Town Portal Scrolls I would be stuck and have to delete the character and create a new one.

The map is The Wetlands, the puppet master :)

Last edited by szymek221 on Apr 19, 2023, 1:29:52 PM
Last bumped on Apr 20, 2023, 4:42:01 AM
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That's not a bug. You can always log off and back on if you don't have a scroll.
Is that really intended? Do you really have to log off? That's kinda meta-gaming.
It's not normal for the game, so it's probably just a design oversight they never got around to correcting. I can kind of understand the other poster saying "not a bug", but I wouldn't personally go so far as claiming that it's intended, either...
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I'm not 'Sarno' on Discord. I don't know who that is.
I couldn't tell you whether that exit being missing was always there or not actually because the fastest way to proceed after killing Ryslatha was always to just exit to character select and log back in. I've always done that without looking at the exit.

Your pic didn't load for me originally so when you said map, I just assumed you meant an actual map, which if you didn't have a portal, you'd have to log out.
According to the screenshot (quest tracker) you haven't defeated the Puppet Mistress yet - but started the fight, so that the exit is not possible (this applies to all boss fights in arena areas until the boss is defeated).

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