3.21 Elemental Venom Gyre Help

Can anyone tell me what am I lacking in the build? my DPS is super low.

Last bumped on Apr 17, 2023, 6:45:05 PM
Is Trinity actually working? Is there enough overlap in the ranges of the elemental damage types that all three of the bars on the trinity icon in the upper left fill up consistently?

If it isn't, try Elemental Damage with Attacks instead.

Are you running out of mana? An Enduring Mana Flask with %reduced mana cost of skills can help.

The Projectile Mastery that gives Projectile Speed probably isn't doing anything for you. Maybe put that point in the Elemental Mastery that inverts resists, or the 20% crit node up near Shadow start (or better, the accuracy and crit chance node in the claw wheel above it, because hit chance isn't capped).

On some rare monsters, I found the Attack Mastery that makes your attacks unblockable helpful.

And there's the Crit Mastery that gives extra multi on bosses.

edit: and the Mark Mastery that gives frenzy charges on hit.

edit: looked at your character on your profile after checking the PoB. Hatred isn't helping (you don't do physical damage in this build), use Anger or Wrath instead
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
Last edited by SunsetVista#4840 on Apr 16, 2023, 3:25:35 PM
I can see that you are not using a proper whirling blades setup with cast on crit, tornado and flame wall which adds a lot of dps for shotgunning high hp enemies. You also are missing the fork mastery (split shot) with 15% projectile speed for projectile mastery. 75% chance for an extra fork is a lot of extra projectiles. Also you are already using the shield version which has less dps but IDK if its worth it before you get the clusters with murderous eye jewels that add flat lightning and cold dmg, as those are significant dps boosts. I think judging by your gear level that you could easily afford to get at least 1 large cluster, 1 medium and 2 murderous eye jewels.
Also is there any reason why you arent running vaal venom gyre? And possibly another vaal dps support like vaal haste?

overall nothing is wrong with my gear? or do i still need a stronger claw? or better sacrifice my survivability for dual claw?
Last edited by BingToTGaming#1213 on Apr 16, 2023, 10:35:24 PM
d0mesplitter wrote:
Also is there any reason why you arent running vaal venom gyre? And possibly another vaal dps support like vaal haste?

yeah im planning to change vaal venom gyre, about haste, will it work even without using the aura? also is my gear alright in T16? im having hardtime clearing it due to low DPS. do i just need to tweak my tree and gem?
SunsetVista wrote:
Is Trinity actually working? Is there enough overlap in the ranges of the elemental damage types that all three of the bars on the trinity icon in the upper left fill up consistently?

If it isn't, try Elemental Damage with Attacks instead.

Are you running out of mana? An Enduring Mana Flask with %reduced mana cost of skills can help.

The Projectile Mastery that gives Projectile Speed probably isn't doing anything for you. Maybe put that point in the Elemental Mastery that inverts resists, or the 20% crit node up near Shadow start (or better, the accuracy and crit chance node in the claw wheel above it, because hit chance isn't capped).

On some rare monsters, I found the Attack Mastery that makes your attacks unblockable helpful.

And there's the Crit Mastery that gives extra multi on bosses.

edit: and the Mark Mastery that gives frenzy charges on hit.

edit: looked at your character on your profile after checking the PoB. Hatred isn't helping (you don't do physical damage in this build), use Anger or Wrath instead

so i need to remove some projectile tree to add some accuracy and crit? the hatred gem does nothing there, i just didnt remove it yet. im running determination and wrath. the trinity seems to be working since i have all elemental dmg. overall i just need to tweak my tree and gem for more accuracy and crit? so my gear is not the problem then?
BingToTGaming wrote:
d0mesplitter wrote:
Also is there any reason why you arent running vaal venom gyre? And possibly another vaal dps support like vaal haste?

yeah im planning to change vaal venom gyre, about haste, will it work even without using the aura? also is my gear alright in T16? im having hardtime clearing it due to low DPS. do i just need to tweak my tree and gem?

You do not need to have an aura on (reserving mana) to use the vaal component of it.

I swapped to the shield version and am clearing t16 with no issue and I would say I have comparable gear, but I am using a slightly different more budget setup. Feel free to copy and see if it works for you.

I guess the biggest question for low dps is are you shotgunning the mobs correctly? As in, do you have "always attack without moving" unchecked for whirling blades? Kobe, the build creator, said this was a major issue for people complaining about dps issues with the build.

However Kobe is also not doing venom gyre this league and some of his info is outdated, for example nightblade is nowhere near as strong as it used to be and might not be worth the skill tree investment. I would experiment a little bit.

I got the tempest binding helmet for 20c and it helps clear a lot and seems okay on bosses. It gives passive cold dmg, lightning dmg, frenzy charge generation and only requires a 4L. 5L daressos defiance body armor allows you to generate power charges with whirling blades along with tornado and flame wall, 100% increased onslaught effect, endurance charge generation and onslaught when you are hit. Combined with Ahn's heritage shield, which gives onslaught at max endurance charges, you have basically 100% onslaught uptime in maps which adds substantial dps and clear as well.

Also dont forget to link snipers mark with mark on hit to auto mark rare mobs/bosses. And lastly, anoint your amulet with divine judgement for 50% elemental damage. GL in your maps exile
Last edited by d0mesplitter#3739 on Apr 17, 2023, 6:52:28 PM

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