Magikerps Crucible SC Boss Killing Service - Now live again

Hello everyone! MagikerpsThiccTotem here!(IGN) feel free to msg me in-game.
I'm here to help you out with your bosses!

Uber Elder (Your Map) :
50 c and Your loot
Or 0c + Share 50% of the loot, But I get to take the loot first (We will split after double checking the price).
Example :If Watcher's Eye drop, I'll keep the eye and sell it. I'll contact you and give you 2/4 of it after it sells, Or you can pay 2/4 of the price and keep it :) ( Value will be according to market value! )

The Shaper (Your Set) :
40 c and Your loot |||| Or 10c + Share 25% of the loot But I get to take the loot first.

Atziri(Your Set) :
40 c and Your loot ||||

Normal Elder (Your Map) :
40c and Your loot ||||

Or 0c + Share 2/4 (50%) of the loot, But I get to take the loot first ( We will split after double checking the price).

Maven (Your set)
40c and your loot |||| or 0c and 50/50 on loot.

Sirus (Your set)
50c and your loot |||| or 0c and 50/50 on loot.

Cortex (Your map)
40c and your loot

Eater / Searing 40c or 0c + 50/50 on loot

All failed runs will be repaid in full.

Failed: 0

Ghosted Uber elder: 1 (monkaS)
Uber elder: 27
Elder: 9
Maven: 15
Sirus: 6
Shaper: 6
Cortex: 4
Atziri: 2
UAtziri: 4

Old thread with vouches:
Last bumped on Apr 15, 2023, 3:22:28 PM
Stupid me had UE down to 3 portals and barely damaged them. This dude finished it up quick and easy. ++recommend
10/10, easy and fast. Didnt touch loot
Helped me with my maven completion 40c my loot, responded quickly with clear instructions, finished the fight quickly, appreciated the help!

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