What CWDT Guardskill setup for evasion builds on Console?

Hey guys n girls, i just started a Frostblade Trickster in SSF, following Behind Eyes Gamings guide.
As PC player, he advises to go Steelskin on leftclick as Guardskill, since the build doesnt go for armor and thus, cant use molten shell.

Since us console plebs arent able to do that, i am very unsure which of the other option would be better - immortal call or steelskin.
Both are straight out worth as a CWDT setup compared to an armor build using molten shell because of the way molten shells shield scales with armor and can be left at a lower level.

So whats your opinion on this matter and what do you think is the best level for the CWDT?
I was thinking somewhere around level 12/13.

Am very curious for opinions, thx in advance.
Last bumped on Dec 28, 2022, 8:07:21 PM
There's a ton of factors to consider here.

I'm not going to try to write a full guide in this comment, but here's the gist of it:

IC can mitigate a larger total amount of damage, if you can live through the damage that passes through it. The % of damage mitigated goes up with level. Immortal Call works on DoTs, which none of the shield-based Guard skills do. However, IC does *nothing* against Chaos damage.

Steelskin has a limit to the amount of damage it can absorb, in addition to allowing some to pass through. It has a slightly longer duration.

Because Steelskin absorbs more total damage at higher levels, it is most effective at max level (20 or 21). Thus, it requires a high level CWDT setup to be effective. Higher level CWDT setups require you to take more damage in order to activate them, so they go off less frequently. However, SS has a longer duration (1.5s vs 1s), so the uptime may be similar, depending on how frequently you take damage.

Neither of these skills will help against Chaos DoTs. SS won't help against Ignite or other elemental DoTs either, but it does make you immune to bleed for a short time. Non-bleed Physical DoTs will ignore SS.

Neither of these skills (or any other CWDT Guard Skill) will help against a true one-shot (like a big slam attack from a boss)

So, if you're dying to actual one-shots, this won't help. If you're dying to a lot of small Physical or Elemental hits, either one will help. If you're dying to Chaos Hits, SS is better, but you should probably raise you Chaos Res either instead or in addition. If you are dying to Bleed then SS is better. If you are dying to other Elemental DoTs then IC is better.

Personally, for a build with low armour, I prefer a low level Immortal Call on a low level CWDT (often level 2 or 3), rather than the level 20 Steelskin. SS doesn't even absorb 1000 damage until it's level 14, so it will be a negligible amount of extra HP at low or even medium levels. The lower level not only will proc more often (which may result in higher uptime), it also has a lower Strength requirement, which can sometimes be an issue on Evasion builds.

Thx a lot for your detailed answer!
This matches a lot of my thoughts and recent experiences with those two skills.

Was running a lvl 9 CWDT with a lvl 14 Steelskin for a while but the shield was honestly barely noticable.

Going for a lvl 6 CWDT with a lvl 8 IC now and will probably stay with that setup.

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