[3.20] The Path to Victory - tank pathfinder poison forbidden rite build
Step one
Introduction Hello. This is my last, but certainly not final try to make truly immortall build in PoE. One that can tank tons of small hits, big slams, dots, degen grounds and, well, everything that can be thrown at you - all without close-to-bug gimmics, tons of buttons that you need to press in right time in right order and/or 200div gear, all while having moderate-to-good boss DPS and clear speed and ability to play without using keyboard much or at all. So yeah. Another try at winning the game, so to speak. Not successful, ofc, but close enough to the goal for me that I wanted to share it. Step two
+Tanky. Very tanky. Actually very tanky. Can be played with one hand while watching pizza and eating anime. Or smth like that. +Relatively fast clearing if you use obliteration. Honestly I'm too lazy to swap weapons, so I'm not using it. +Can afk most content, even some ubers, wave 30 sim etc so can alt-tab at any moment +Can do most map mods and all content. +Cat friendly build. If you put Forbidden Rite on spacebar and show your cat how to press it - your cat can probably do some content for you. -Clearing could be faster. Way faster. It can always be faster. -Boss damage is mediocre, like 8-10M shaper DPS, depending on gear. -Less recovery rate mod shut build down hard. Maven anti-recovery debuff is a pain. -Need some minimal setup to work. Flasks, loreweave, eternal damnation, dawnbreaker. -Optimisation ceiling. Past some point throwing money at it won't make it that much better. -Adjusting attributes and capping resists can be a bit of a pain, since build want many mods from rare items. -If you like to actually PLAY the game this build will kill all your enjoyment and will feel hollow to play and boring. Step three
Step four
You can see my setup in PoB, but, I think, additional clarification would be helpful Amulet - eternal damnation give you very, very high elemental damage reduction if you can chaos res, and this build cap chaos anyway, since it both helf survive forbidden rite and boost poison damage via chaos mastery(chaos DOT multi per chaos res) Loreweave - natural synergy for eternal damnation and transcendence - more about it later. You need 78 max res and as much life and +to all attributes as you can get there. Rings - you want as much life as you can get there and 15% recoup(so with 20% quality it become 18%). Free prefix is also important. Gloves - you want as much life(yeah, it's kinda of a trend, you see) and regeneration and/or regeneration rate there as possible. Helmet - life and regeneration(rate) again, also you probably want to get huge amount of int there Boots - life, regen, free prefix for chill immune craft. Shield - dawnbreaker. 20% phys to fire with phys taken as smth corrupt is possible Weapon - dagger chaos dot multi, poison damage, cast speed and free suffix. +1 to chaos gems would be icing on a cake. You also need to get resists and attribute on gear to get at least 159 str, 159 int and cap your resists. Remember that you are pathfinder and have 3 ele flasks and chaos flask(progenesis) active 24/7, so you can safely count on them to provide most of your resists. Capping spell suppress is important too, but can be done in many ways. Gear, tree, high tier eater implicit on gloves etc. Step five
Most can be, again, seen in PoB, but few things to note Temporal chains can stay at lvl 1, because it's main function - slower expiration of poison and other debuffs - doesn't increase with levels. Summon skeletons are there to cull and apply withered stacks, alt quality are important for them to not die instantly in AOEs. Gem is kept at minimal level where 3 skellies are summoned to both reduce cost and required lvl of CWDT. Step six
There is a lot to talk about. Jewels do many, many things for build. Give tons of recoup. Give tons of life. Give poison chance and duration. You can also cap res and/or attributes with jewels if needed, included extra mods on cluster jewels. Cluster jewels give access to things you can't get from nearby tree nodes like tons of chaos damage, cast speed and even regeneration. Also it's impoertant to have 70% increased flask charges gained - to gain 5 flask charges when hit - and cluster jewel passives help you get that without losing damage. Brewed for Potency(at least two) and Spiked Concotion(need one for alchemist genious) are really good nodes. Septic spell caps poison chance and give cast speed and chaos dot multi on top. Clusters are important, really important. And Militant Faith give transcendence, keep mana cost manageble and help with capping resists a lot. Spot I use it in is really good, IMHO, but it could take some time to find one that doesn't break notable tree nodes there. Use PoB for that, it can help. Tree should be rather obvious one - life, poison, flasks, iron reflex for transcendence, spell suppress. Idk what to say about it, write in comments any questions that may arise, will add answers to guide. Step seven
Notable flasks are Taste of Hate - it convert huge portion of phys taken into cold, that, with dawnbreaker and helmet mods help as tank phys we have no natural PDR against since transcendence convert all armour to work against ele damage Progenesis make you take part of the damage from hits as damage over time instead. It doesn't reduce damage you take per se, but mitigate bursts of damage and recoup help to deal with damage over time Progenesis create. Ruby and Topaz flasks are there to cap res, lessen ele damage you take and to heal you. When you are hit they gain charges, when at max charges they are auto-used and when flask is used master surgeon heal you for 6%. It's not much, but it's still help you survive against huge chains of small hits. Sulphur flask both gives damage and consecrated ground that heals you. Never say no to free healing. Three magic flasks give you the abiliuty to use 3 flask suffixes that scale nicely with flask effect. Reduced mana cost suffix is a huge help in mana management, together with Militank Faith and alt qual GMP it reduce Forbidden Rite cost from 100+ to like 17-20 mana. Life regeneration and %increased armour are simply good to have and give good survivability. Step eight
So how and why all of that mess work? Well, there are some things to summ up. Eternal Damnation + Loreweave + Transcendence is a powerfull combo, since loreweave allow you to ignore downsides of both Transcendence and Damnation. Above mentioned Master Surgeon and Flagellant aren't nearly as strong as they once were but still can help against death from thousand cuts scenario. High quility(via enhance) anomalous withering step apply many withered stacks at once and immune-to-everything autospawning skellies help to get a bit more to cap stacks. Phys damage is tanked vith the help of phys taken as ele items(taste of hate, shield, helmet) Tons of recoup, boosted with life recobery rate from watcher's eye allow you to sustain life while taking tons of self-inflicted forbidden rite damage and negate DoT from progenesis. Step nine
P.S. yes, character name is Contessa. Yes, this is a rather blunt reference I couldn't avoid making while playing PATHfinder.
Last edited by TwiceBorned#6498 on Dec 25, 2022, 10:39:45 AM Last bumped on Sep 1, 2023, 7:05:19 PM
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Hi, this build is awesome! I havent had this much fun with build since my early days when I played my first "real" build... Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone back in Harbinger or when I had my first Headhunter!
Its not even expensive. Just Progenesis and plus like 4-5 div and you can tank and kill almost everything. Definetely your build deserve more attention. Guys do you want delve but you fear of the dark? Fear no more. Darkness wont kill you, nothing can kill you in delve. Explore every dark hole in delve. Invitations? I did all of them with 80% quant deathless. Uber Shaper, UUber Elder? piece of cake. Didnt try Maven yet... The only problem was Uber Sirus. Some of his spells shut down regen? Maybe corrupted blood? But had no problem with regular Sirus. I have like 10% less EHP compared to your PoB - I have 800less hp but I still can tank Uber Sirus maze even without molten shell on... just wow. I have few questions. 1. What stats are the most important for DMG? 2. For minmaxing... what is better for tankiness? More hp or regen? or what stat is the best. 3. How would you improve your build further? Im very close to your stats so Im looking for minmaxing stuff. Definitely great build! 10/10 Last edited by Thornfrey#4597 on Dec 31, 2022, 7:58:20 AM
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" Thx for warm reply! And for the questions.. 1)well, chaos dot multi, increased chaos damage, poison damage, poison duration, cast speed - all are great and I tried to keep everything "balanced" for most damage output. Only thing than didn't give much is +levels to skill(still you probably want +1 on weapon if only to bring anom withering step to lvl 21) 2)regen is probably better most of the time, but life still help against oneshots and life give damage, so as long as you can tank uber shaper ray while staying on chilling pool without life dropping - I'd say you have enough regen and go life 3)+1 curse progenesis and different annoint would be my first step. Last edited by TwiceBorned#6498 on Dec 31, 2022, 5:28:22 PM
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kill bandit or help ?
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Kill all, as always
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This is extremely interesting. Thank you very much for posting us this guide.
Is there any chance you could upload an Uber Sirus video? Secondly, if you had a lot of currency, how would you go about getting as MUCH damage as possible out of this while still retaining it's current level of tank? Last edited by RinsBiggestFan#1367 on Jan 1, 2023, 7:01:17 AM
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" For the first question - sadly, no. I had given all my gear to a friend.. for reason.. and now I don't have both gear and friend, sadly, but that's another story. Will take me to much too farm for a new set and have no drive left to do it. For the second - I would buy +1 curse eternal damnation(and annoint some other damage node to it, like serpentine spellslinger) and craft much better weapon(with hunter damage over time mod, at the very least). That already will give tons of damage. +1 FR projectile enchant could help too, if only in melee(if you stand to far projectiles will spread too much and one or two could miss anyway). Then get better jewels if those exist on trade, with like extra useful mode.. (so like life+recoup+poison chance/duration+damage) All together that should roughly double the DPS. Last edited by TwiceBorned#6498 on Jan 1, 2023, 9:22:42 AM
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This looks like an amazing build but...how does it do in sanctum? It feels like you have to get close to everything and damage might not be spectacular. Also, any consideration to a stormshroud setup, or using a balance of terror (if you cast despair in the last 10 seconds, all your hits wither. Not sure if it interacts with CWDT).
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" It's REALLY bad for sanctum, sadly, and no, balance doesn't work with CWDT. |
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how do you set the resistors? your clothes don't seem to have much resistance and which we select the pantheons?
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