<Rekt> Get Rekt Clan LFM - Noobs or Vets Welcome!
Mostly solo players, even some that only play standard (gasp) However the guild is old, actually from Alpha release of Poe.. Now days we have a Discord for discussing Poe (and RL) and a large / histarical shared stash in game. Spots are of course limited because you buy them from GGG for 1 dollar each, however need some new blood =)
Send me a DM on here so I can ask you 2 basic questions, then ill invite! Good luck out there exiles and happy holidays! Last bumped on Dec 24, 2022, 2:08:44 AM
Bunch of helpful players in this guild, it's a good time here.
Way back in the day when GGG first introduced the vaal orb, the bringer of rain helmet was worth like 50 exaults (divines), it was a build enabling unique at the time. Anyway, my real life friend used the vaal on his helmet and ruined it, and neither one of us had the money to replace the helmet. Then he quit the game and never played again...
the next league after that I made the Get <Rekt> Clan to commemorate the event. |