revert binding orbs... why are you so petty that you take EVERYTHING away from us

title says it all... anything that makes the game any kind of fun for the player gets taken away. why cant i have a fucking 4 link in act 1? stop being so petty and let us have fun. you have ruined the game yet again. i wish i could refund every mtx and stash tab i have.
Last bumped on Dec 30, 2022, 6:19:51 AM
Why aren't using capslock no more?
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.
itz TAXI wrote:
title says it all... anything that makes the game any kind of fun for the player gets taken away. why cant i have a fucking 4 link in act 1? stop being so petty and let us have fun. you have ruined the game yet again. i wish i could refund every mtx and stash tab i have.

I wish you could refund and leave us alone.
yet your here posting on this thread because i live rent free in your heads... you think about me so much i make you seethe. you think about me every waking minute like a stalker who is obsessed. i invade your dreams... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
itz TAXI wrote:
title says it all... anything that makes the game any kind of fun for the player gets taken away. why cant i have a fucking 4 link in act 1? stop being so petty and let us have fun. you have ruined the game yet again. i wish i could refund every mtx and stash tab i have.

How is this feedback? Are you actually expecting a response? You're really not helping the console community look any better.

If anything you're making GGG want to respond to us even less. Please try to have constructive conversations here! It's hard enough as it is to get our voices heard on console.
i come here to voice my feedback. if you dont like it dont read my posts.

telling me to not post is more toxic then i have ever been on here lol.
i freely admit i come here when im extremly pissed off at what happened in the game.
sugar coating everything we have issues with never gets things fixed.

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