The deafening silence from GGG is really disappointing

I think the PC-oriented communication at this league start has had some great improvements.

For example, the "live updates" thread is great. It needs to be a bit more thorough (e.g. there several times when changes weren't acknowledged in the "live updates" until AFTER they were patched), but on the whole, it's a great new addition.

Unfortunately, this communication only applies to PC players.

Console players have been asking several questions very repeatedly here in the forums, and we have gotten ZERO response.

The two biggest questions being:

Will the trade market be removed in 3.20?

What, if any, console specific changes are being made?

The patch has to have been done for a while at this point (due to the timing requirements of the certification process), so why not tell us what's in it?

And I don't mean the copy-pasta of the PC patch notes. That happens every league, and couldn't more obvious. It often includes notes that specifically don't apply to console (like referencing specific renderers or game settings that don't exist on console), and almost never includes a "console-specific" section anymore. This has historically been true even when there were important console-specific changes.

Last bumped on Dec 15, 2022, 1:14:28 PM
Dont get offended QQPQ, but you went to dark side with years, you were more optimistic towards GGG at least 1-2 years ago.

You should let it go. I love the game too, but I dont expect much from developer anymore. There are times when they put more effort in console(once a year at best?), but until that time comes there isn't much point to dwell on it.

Dont get me wrong, voicing your opinion is a wonderful thing and there must be adept Poe players in forums.
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.
I guess there is no console specific as they did not mention in patch notes, they always does if there is... Also look at questions in pc forums, they are not really replying to many of the questions there either. I do not think they are any worse on console part of forum.
mJ_mSv wrote:
I guess there is no console specific as they did not mention in patch notes, they always does if there is...

Are you new?

There have been tons of leagues where the patch notes they gave us didn't have a "console specific" section, but there were console specific changes.

You have to go all the way back to... (checks notes) Sentinel League (3.18) to find the most recent example.
The only hope we have for console UI and controller QoL updates is if the PC crowd starts to get on board,but I fear the numbers on PC using controller support is too low for GGG to care about them either.

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