Will 3.20 have the ingame market board?
Yes or no?
If no then no play! Last bumped on Dec 9, 2022, 6:08:50 AM
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Not found anything about it in patch notes, etc.. So let's hope they have listened to the feedback and never remove it!! I prefer they make pc use it instead to enable crossplay in future...
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ya they didn't mention anything about it, had me wondering as well.
I really don't wanna do SSF either, that sounds so boring to me. If I do end up doing trade, but sorry not wasting my time with annoying sales with the bugged invite to hideout crap. |
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" For as long as I've been playing, they don't mention Console-specific changes in the patch notes they post ahead for the PC players. In the absence of any communication otherwise, it's highly likely that the trade board is gone forever when we get the 3.20 patch. Personally, I hope they change their mind, or that this is in preparation for some big multiplatform trade shakeup in 3.21 or 3.22, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Meanwhile, I'll keep mostly playing SSF because trade is such a disaster on console. | |
" Surely there’s no way they would remove the trade market before enabling cross-play/trade with pc at a minimum. I know they devote the bare minimum amount of resources to console, and clearly do not understand the full extent of what a horrifically miserable and anti-fun experience trading is even WITH the trade market… but they have to know that removing it is essentially forcing SSF on all console players. No built-in access to the trade site, no 3rd party tools like awakened poe trade, extremely slow and clunky inventory management with the controller, tiny playerbase -> dysfunctional economy (many items don’t exist or are unobtainable, scams and market manipulation are rampant), and most players don’t even have a keyboard plugged in to their console. Forcing player-to-player trade in this environment without radically improving it in some other way(s) would cause 90% of the console playerbase to quit, no question. They have to know this…. right? |
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" Uh, have you not logged in in like 2 months? We've had the trade website as a menu option for quite a while now. It's trash, but it's there. | |
" I hadn’t, just did. Trash is spot on: can’t have multiple tabs open, can’t save/favorite, extremely slow and tedious navigation with the controller, need a keyboard, can’t live search, have to completely stop the game in order to access (as opposed to having it up on another tab/monitor). GGG if anyone sees this, please for the love of god do not remove the trade market… trading on console is already a truly miserable experience for anyone who seriously plays the game, and forcing the pc trade system onto console will push that to absurdity, to the point where it will actually completely overwhelm the rest of this fun, amazing game with miserable anti-fun tedium and people will quit in droves. People want to PLAY the game, not spend countless hours trying to trade for items. To that end we need to be going in the opposite direction: make trade faster and easier. Even in it’s 3.19 state (trade market + website), console trading has WAY more friction than pc for the reasons mentioned previously and many more (which I’d be happy to elaborate on at length if I knew anyone at GGG was actually reading & considering it). |
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Lol, when I finally found a way to enjoy this game again they're thinking about removing it? If they do that I'm 100% quitting this game til POE 2 hits.
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