What people thinking about Web site Trade only

Hi all.

I wannt to asking you all, what you think about Web site trading on console.?cause GGG said poe should be tha same game on all platforms, also player on console should trading with Web site Trade only!
I think there is a lot problem for console players. If you go to Webtrade and look for item more than 5min your game go off, if you opening a Webtrade it's need more time to load this as pc, if player are offline you cannot just send offer and waiting until the person accept your trade. If you need multiple stuff, you have to jump from HO to HO and load time is more than on pc. A lot of players just ignoring your trade messages in chat. I think that console players should have bouth trade options like now in 3.18,but if I have to choose between Web trade system and auctions system I chose the second one, cause for console players auctions is much better.
Please leave your thoughts about that, cause GGG in 3.20 gonna delete console auctions. And if ggg means that poe should be the same on all platforms, maybe we should have to start new Liga together with pc players and we should have a option to trade with pc players, cause trade on console are very poor.
I bagging ggg, please listen to your community, I love this game so much, and I wanna keep playing it, and enjoying it.
Thank you all.
Last bumped on Oct 21, 2022, 4:56:46 AM
you can't just let us have the trade market all these years and then decide to take it away.

Console has had so many problems that are console specific problems that they should just let us have both as a way of apologizing or showing empathy to players that kept playing. Many have quit because of those problems long ago.

I dont even really want to play SSF but that's what I'll do because I'm not doing hideout trades on console, I have to go another room to look at the website. 99% of whispers will be ignored like on PC and it's even more annoying on console, longer load times, harder to type (takes minutes to type a sentence if you are replying to someone) and that bug where you have to add someone as a friend to be able to invite them to hideout or they have to restart the game to do that is still there.

i think it's a terrible decision and I hope they change their minds.
Last edited by Anton__Chigur#9285 on Oct 14, 2022, 5:41:21 AM
I agree that it is necessary to maintain the Trade Market, it is not as easy as it seems to use the Trade Site intuitively!
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
If we get cross trade with PC and all consoles then i don't care if the trade board goes, the benefits of item availability for making new builds and a much greater chance of selling your own items to make currency is an acceptable trade off to me. But until that happens (if it ever does) then the trade board needs to stay in place, converting to just pure online trade website with the current console economy would be a terrible situation for console, we have bad enough trade already for many reasons and don't need it being any worse.
You’d have to have cross play to have cross trade, since it’s an in-person trade. I don’t see them slowing down Pc updates just to keep us all on the same game version for trade.

The trade setup this league with both the board and the site has been nice, just for the search function of the site. It’s a lot easier to find things in the in-game market once you know they exist.
Been SSF for years partially because of how bad our trade system was. Will this get me to go back to trade, likely not but its nice being able to search for items with filters. I do always have a laptop next to me while I game, so looking things up on the trading site with a keyboard is way faster than using the in game type pad. I have no idea how completing the trades will be but as we know GGG does not want trading to be 'easy'. So if it is annoying but a different type of annoying than sifting through gear then it seems like a fair trade off.

This doesn't seem like the end of their plan either, they mentioned hopes of there one day being a shared trade market for PC and console. Baby steps while they approach their ideal set up for trade. There might be an awkward growing period while they work out how to get it all to work correctly though. If they do ever get our market to merge with theirs that would be when I'd likely rejoin trade for some really obscure builds that you just cannot do in SSF without going insane.
you literally cannot trade with half the player base... they cant connect.
As I see people are on same point as I. I made this thread because GGG should to know what console players thinking about a situation with trade. I really hope that GGG taking feed back from console community, cause I am scared about future of poe on console.
Switching to trade site only for playsation is a horrible idea not sure why anyone would think it is good.
Last edited by NewYorkGiant-#9669 on Oct 19, 2022, 11:14:59 AM
what's next? requiring a mouse and keyboard to play while I bought a console?

Don't tell me to use the playstations web browser either, the PS4 cannot even handle opening that. After the 2 minutes it takes to load it up, it runs about as fast as the old 56K modems did back in the day.

I can't believe they are gonna do us like this.

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