Knightlord Supporter Pack

Feedback on the Knightlord Supporter Pack

Can I just say that GGG knocked it out of the ball park on this one? I’ve been tempted by the $90 supporter packs in the past but have never committed to a purchase at that price point until now. The bundle on this one really sold me on it and I’m enjoying this way more than I probably should.

The chest animations are fun, the cloak exploding in blood is visually appealing and, also, fun, the portal and portal master look great but it’s “The Lieutenant” that really, really sells it.

I ADORE “The Lieutenant”. I did nothing but smile and laugh when I equipped him and started running maps. I love that he praises and encourages me and I, absolutely, like it when he mocks me upon failing. If his lines were actually done by a person, please pass on my regards…..they’re great. I don’t know if I’ve cycled through all of his lines yet, but I’m enjoying waiting to see what else he has to say. It’s wishful thinking, but I’d buy an add on pack of voice lines in a minute for “The Lieutenant”, especially if there were more for when you end up on the wrong side of death.

A few suggestions should this ever cross the desks of the designers for the supporter packs:

“The commander has fallen!”
“Death becomes you.”
“We shall rally once more!”
“The enemy has availed!”
“The men are shaken.”
“Your funeral pyre was magnificent!”
“That was unfortunate.”
“Defeat tastes like ashes.”
“Another portal, My Lord?”
“How very unexpected.”
“Perhaps another strategy?”
“The halls of undeath welcome you!”

I’m down for more snarky lines too. Sarcasm is a +1 to motivation and a +2 to humor.

Thanks for an add on experience supporter pack team!
Last bumped on Sep 3, 2022, 6:43:46 PM

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