Trade updates, Do not remove trade market!
The trade market, is a huge improvement of the nightmare that pc trade is. There is not a single player that creates content that has anything good to say about it. Also the GGG philosophy that trade should be inconvenient is extremely insulting to the humans that play the game. Essentially you like that you waste human beings time. That GGG would rather have players inconvenienced trying to get the things they want to play the game. This is truly a disgusting approach. People with families, kids jobs, and we support your game pay your bills, and somehow GGG wants to waste or precious time for what reason!?!?!
Its so insulting that this is something you value! It is an anti human philosphy. We are real human beings with limited time on this earth and you want to waste it just to accomplish what? What other business does this? Could you imagine wal-mart reorganizing there isles so stuff was random and then cashiers would only be there some of the time, the light is on but they aren't there and sometimes they are. Please give up this anti human philosophy, its ugly and hateful toward the people that pay your bills. We are real human beings! Last bumped on Sep 21, 2022, 9:31:43 PM
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for real, getting rid of the trade market is such a bad idea for console. It's the only good thing about playing console and it already has that drawback that GGG wants, it's designed to benefit price fixers over honest people.
That's really going to turn me off from wanting to play new leagues. Console trade is very very limited compared to PC. We probably have 1/100000 of the items available to us. The high prices don't bother me like it bothers some people because things you find are worth more and you make enough to buy the expensive things you want. But if you want something like a mageblood or squire, good luck finding those. I didn't play sentinel so maybe it was more possible with the div cards but there was one league I had more than enough to buy a headhunter and I wanted it for my build and there was none on the market and no div cards for it for sale on the market... Trying to get in someones hideout for a manual trade on console is also a major pain in the butt too and half the time it doesn't even let you join the party. What the hell is this terrible decision? |
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On the plus side though, there will no longer be any anonymity anymore. Which is what "most" people wanted. One of those cases of be careful what you wish for i guess? :)
Im just gonna stick solely to SSF until it ever gets to where i can swap my stuff over to the PC, and then just play from there again. I dont need the xbox messages, and party invite hassles that are going to come from this. I might actually just bite the bullet and get Grim Dawn for the xbox, and do that instead. SSF used to be fun, but the power creep and boss dps numbers over time, have really made it a major slogfest nowadays. I dont get mad over this kinda stuff like most do though. If i aint happy i will just move on. All things must pass. Last edited by I AM SQUINT#8343 on Aug 17, 2022, 11:32:19 AM
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So.. I'll have to invite people into my hideout to trade items? People on PC really do that?
I mostly trade cheap stuff, maps, basic currency, not sure how I'll do that if its by invite. I sold thousands of maps last league. Any of you bought T1 - T10 maps for 5 alts with a response in few minutes, that was me. Notwithstanding the ton of T16's I sold between 2c and 4c. anyway, opinion of very active player, removing trade board a bad idea. |
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" Yeah. PC Players do that :) and most of the players ( Nearly 98% ) of the Players accept the rules of Trading, that developed over time. - Do not Spam for lower Price, 1 Question is enough - A "no" is a "no" - Wait for the Seller to Trade u and stand still in the Hidout and wait. - Dont close the Trade window ( Because of Scammer Tactics ) or the Trade will not proceed and really it works fine. But over the Years only high end trades a viable and working. 1 Chaos Trades a trash. The Console Version is so much better in the low Price Spectrum. Also the Privacy on Console. Now with this Changes, we will get a Big Chaosstorm over Consolepoe, and i think most of the player will leave POE console after this Changes will go core. No one sits on console, to have a 3rd party tool nearby to play the game. On Pc Maybe, its only 1 tab away or Hotkeys to open Pricecheck moduls. But on Console.. no way And all of this, only because GGG do not want to invest more in little Market Changes, like better Search functions. Just Kill Console and concentrade on PC |
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" It does not work fine. I played on PC since open beta and switched to console when it was available on PS. I know the PC trade market and it is abysmal. The asynchronous console trade market is superior to the PC trade for trading consumables and items of low price in any aspect. I prefer being able to easily buy my maps, currency, splinters and whatnot over easy gear trade. |
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ggg does not understand that its not going to work on console like it does on pc. they dont realize how many people have accounts that cannot recieve messages due to privacy settings. they cannot bypass that. so even if things are listed on the site the seller may not even be able to be whispered. what about the people who have weird nat settings and cant connect to a large portion of the playerbase. trade board solves all of this for us.
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actually the combination like now is good. Like if you need something specific, you can check the trade website, with a proper filter before you waste your time on the tradeboard, but if you find anything here u want, make a proper filter, search the right itembase and its speeds up the crawling on the tradeboard a lot. I wish they would add something for us, to whisper ourselves a link to the item on the tradeboard, so we can send an offer.
BUt what is still missing is the auto accept, when the price matches to get rid of pricefixing. And I agree with the statement, that they are purposely wasting peoples time. It is super annoying and insulting. I mean if you think about it, without, they would probably never made their own trade website, but what game uses an out of game search engine for items? I would just love to be able to sell my unused maps while i am offline, by setting a fixed price and auto accept the trades. It would just make this game so much more enjoyable especially for casuals who cant play at peak player times. |
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Wait there removing the trade market?? Sure our trade market sux, but its still necessary. Though I do alot of self crafting, i still play builds that usually need a few uniques, and need currency to craft and get influenced base items.
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i also agree with keeping it like it is. dont remove the tradeboard or the trade site.
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