Noob to PoE. Help is appreciated.

I’m new to path of exile and the builds are confusing to me to read sometimes, like if it doesn’t really go step by step then I pretty much have no idea how to build a character ( like what gems to buy and/or choose ). Can someone try to explain how to understand the build guides better, also does it matter where you socket a gem? ( does it matter is Toxic Rain is in the chest piece rather than the bow or void manipulation to be in the gloves for ex:

I’m pretty new to ARPG games, I use to play Diablo 1 WAY back in the day when I was a little kid but don’t remember much about it. I know this game has a lot to learn and can be confusing to a new player, like I don’t really get the “ league “, I’m guessing it’s kinda like Diablo 3’s seasonal thing.

If anyone is willing to help me out that would be greatly appreciated.
Last bumped on Aug 23, 2022, 10:48:39 AM
Firstly I recommend watching some youtube build guides, not everyone is good explaining for beginners thought, but there is some.
It does not matter where you socket you're skills, but they need to be linked to you're support skills to get the power. Sometimes it might matter where you socket thought, as the Chest, weapon, etc can have socketet gems are supported by, or level to supported gems, etc...
If they have a path of building link and you have a pc to load it into it's highly recommended.. it's so much easier to understand, and find out how skills affect you're buld with path of building. It's easy to get hooked on this game, and you will soon understand more of it with a littel experience... Good luck!
Hey, if you're on PS send my an invite. I've been playing for quite awhile and while I'm no uber expert in the game, I have a good grasp on how to navigate through the game and most of the intricacies. I also played D1 and D2 back in the day (also D3 but we don't talk about that).

PS ID: Pedrosus
Get on youtube and watch the Zizaran University series. Use only his recommended builds.

Youtube is full of crap builds, miss information, and content creators doing anything for a click.

There are only a handful of good content creators for POE. Start with Zizaran you cannot go wrong.

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